Stevie Knicks

I can’t tell if he’s actually faster than pretty much all of the other kids or if they make sure to run just a little slower than him. Either way, I maintain he is the greatest athlete of our lifetime.

That WR is actually tight end Gary Barnidge, theoretical good player who dropped the only 2 passes thrown to him and refuses to try while blocking.

This would be a good article if the general premise was actually true instead of being almost entirely imagined. Where are all of these older players that cost more but are also better at football? If this was true, we would see talented veteran NFL players sitting in FA because they cost too much. That is the whole

From what I recall they mostly said she looked like a skeleton or a horse. Though everyone took lots of shots at her, the more shocking/appalling jokes were on other people. Someone did tell her to kill herself at one point I guess.

I mean...they told like 150 statutory rape jokes and a number of jokes about Pete Davidson’s dad dying on 9/11. Saying she looked like skeletor/a horse was one of the most tame jokes of the entire roast.

What’s not remotely true? You don’t think the number of NFL fans (or % of the population that follows) has gotten up drastically in the last 40 years? It definitely has.

Yes, and the fans they had at the time are not even remotely comparable to what they have now. People would still watch, but a lot less of them would when they are bandwagon fans and their local team doesn’t even exist any more.

My wife and her whole family talk in British accents all the damn time. When I get home I’ll let her know they’re all crazy and report back how she responds.

I would agree, except that pork products and least-liked should never be used in the same sentence unless it is meant sarcastically.

YES!!!! This and the soccer game with the same style of characters were amazing. 2 of my top 4 or 5 games ever on nintendo.

You could maybe do 16 but 8 isn’t enough. What you are going to do with only 7 opponents, play them all twice? Least fun playoffs ever. You’d lose tons of fans with that setup.

Is that gravy jello with hard boiled egg slices and like lima beans on bottom? That easily has the be the least appetizing thing I can ever imagine people eating assuming they aren’t literally starving to death.

But Maria Bamford just makes funny voices and isn’t actually funny 60% of the time.

I don’t really know anything about what he was doing to have a real opinion on that honestly. This article was the first time I’ve heard anything about Kurt and harassing women, and I don’t even know what he actually specifically said this time.

Given that they are probably looking at the forecast on their phone, and their phone automatically zooms in directly on their current location when they pull up the map/radar, yes I’m sure plenty do think that.

“hoped a public platform would bring in attention” is basically the same thing as public shaming. You are right that not everyone she blocked was probably trying to start trouble, but it would be pretty hard to tell which ones weren’t and its just easier to block them all. More importantly, while people are blowing up

Twitter is the worst possible platform for something like that. It’s impossible to have a meaningful discussion with a limit of 140 characters. It’s hundreds of people forcing questions that can’t be answered on the same platform. It’s blatant public shaming, which is stupid. I’d block every one of those too as there

Because twitter is the worst possible platform to try to have that discussion. People can yell at you in 5 words, but 140 character limit makes it impossible to respond with anything meaningful. Plus, there’s literally hundreds or thousands of people doing it, primarily just to try to call people out publicly when

But that doesn’t make any sense either. If it was a drug deal gone bad why would he even mention anything to the media? You’d keep that shit quit if that was what happened.

And/or the “I’m not racist but...”.