Stevie Knicks

He did drag them to wins singlehandedly though. They were hilariously bad when he got there, and ended up pretty solid. I hate the Rams, but Goff is good.

What’s new that rules: Chip Kelly got sent back to college.”

Taking that even further, people need to stop treating the Bible as “A” rule book or “A” story and recognize that is a combination of many different people’s stories and perspectives. When we do that it helps to understand the contradictions and how/why they exist, and also that we should maybe stop trying to use them

“That toughness comes in handy in a place like North Dakota. You see, up there, jamming your numb fingers against someone’s ice-cold helmet happens every practice. Getting decked on the cement-like dirt is just how a play ends.”

Yah, that was a bad situation all around. There is a decent sized group of people standing right off the road, and then one person in the middle of the road by themselves. It can have the effect of people being distracted by the large group of people just off the road, and with night limiting visibility making it

I assume you were one of the guys that designed that A&M program, because I don’t know anyone else that would this stupid. Well...Trump I guess, you could also be Trump.

Your guess is wrong.

They certainly have very little chance when they point a gun at cops and say they are going to kill them.

You don’t shoot as someone to “neutralize” them without killing them (outside of the bean bag shotguns). That’s a movie plot point, not how the situation in handled in real life.

If that’s really his goal, then I say well done sir. Someone needed to do something to that party who has only been able to nominate shitheads for the past 5 elections. Actually, that’s not entirely true. George W wasn’t a shithead, he just isn’t very smart and had shitheads for advisers.

Of course if you aren’t earning money there’s not going to be money to put into retirement from you. And again I would say that’s not a problem, that’s just the reality of staying home with kids instead of having a job. Generally speaking, having kids is a choice people make because they want them. It’s no one’s

Richard Lawson’s quoted review is the stupidest sounding one from the above list. Oh there’s gun worship, sexism, and racism in a movie about the worst people from prison being put together to kill bad guys?Who could have ever seen that coming? If it didn’t have those things it would be a shitty version of the suicide

I have no idea what you are saying. You do get tax breaks for having kids, and you do have a social safety net in the form of welfare, WIC, etc. I have absolutely no idea what the 2500/yr in retirement is referring to. Tax breaks and CEO’s being obscenely wealthy are negligibly related at best, and generally not

“Motherhood is unpaid labor, yes. And that sucks.”

“Well after” he played with them through 2014 and starved his dog in January of 2015. Clearly he only started doing that after he left the team. Also, no matter how good you are at football helping to kill 2 people is gonna stick with you. Might as well get over that one.

A Titans fan very bitterly called Cleveland fans spoiled. That’s gotta be a first.

Yah we’ll have to see how it all plays out, but the only conflict in the report appears to be what she said being different from literally everyone else there. Rumors of being pissed about a bad breakup.

Yep, that was exactly Pegg’s response and makes a lot of sense. I get Takei’s issue, I just think he’s wrong.

Sure, I mostly just meant when you are one of the public faces for an organization it isn’t that surprising that they would decide to let you go if you are also publicly supporting things they don’t approve of. The fact that what they disapprove of in this case is really dumb is a very different issue.

Are you a PR spokesman for the government, or a random Gov employee that doesn’t really work as the face of something? Those are very different things.