Stevie Knicks

I think those situations are handled much better through taxes on extravagant spending, rather than trying to find rules to effect very specific situations that they can’t find loopholes around.

That’s the theory, but not how it works. Most very rich have a ton of people doing estate planning to avoid paying the tax in the first place. Also, a very significant amount of uber rich lose most/all of their wealth through generations.

It does have a high exemption on the federal level. The super rich is not who it impacts though, as they have people that do a good job estate planning to avoid these taxes.

Except that’s not true. The estate tax is re-taxing a single person’s income that they’ve already earned and paid income tax on. It is one person/estate that is taxed not the recipients. It’s basically a second income tax, though one with a very large exemption.

That’s true at the federal level, though not at the state level depending on where you live. I suppose Trump would only be talking about the federal version, which I should have taken into consideration in my post, but I still think the concept in general is bad.

While I get what you’re saying, the estate tax is complete horseshit and needs to be removed. It’s re-taxing income that has already had tax paid on it. It serves no logical purpose given how other taxes operate other than just trying to find something to generate more revenue to make up for over-spending. Oh, someone

Unintentional, but now thoroughly happy about it.

His? Is that supposed to be a dude?

Shitbags can do good things sometimes. They are still overall shitbags, they just accomplished some positive things too. Obama seems like a good dude though, even if some of the things he does are stupid.

Seconded. I’m 6’7 and not even close to skinny. I lived in China for 3 months and used a shower that appeared to be designed for a 12 year old. I could not stand up straight ever and extending both elbows at the same time was not possible. I dried off in the shower every time and my tower never got wet from the walls.

Agreed. This one was super choppy. Enough so that I had to verify that I wasn’t experiencing bandwith/buffering problems, but I definitely wasn’t. Never had that happen with one of these before.

He’ll probably put them all up in trump hotels and then bill the Gov a 500% upcharge.

I don’t understand people trying to defend Papledouche. He choked out a teammate because he didn’t think he ran fast enough on a play where how fast he ran had 0 impact on the outcome of the play. There is no defending that. If you try you are an asshole.

Hopefully what this leads to is the more conservative of the liberal party splitting off and joining with the NON religous right/Tea party idiots to form a better major party to go with the Dem’s, and the religious right nut-cases are left out completely to whine amongst themselves while the other 75% of the country

I can’t believe I forgot about that. That is the Mario I liked the most (i’m weird) and played BY FAR the most of any of them. With that pseudo mario game excluded the point still stands though.

Wait, did they really consider Bowser being the final boss a spoiler? Hasn’t than been true for about 75 mario games in a row now?

Boy. I mean I get that she followed the correct protocol initially, but this looks really bad. The mother jacked this whole case up now, and I’m not sure there’s any coming back from it. The situation now appears to be either the whole case was a sham from the start, or the mother completely screwed over the daughter.

My friends doctor encouraged her to continue drinking a glass of wine every night while pregnant since that was what she did beforehand. If the CDC really still claims that drinking any amount of alcohol while pregnant can cause birth defects then someone needs to slap them in the head.

The Browns are freaking 1-1, why is this Sunday afternoon movie for Browns Fans? Screw you Dave.

So the story here is that people complained that is was sexual, the ASA reviewed and said, yah kind of I guess so don’t put it by schools but otherwise whatevs.