Stevie Knicks

This is the best news ever. Now all you have to do is review this list of dude bros before you date anyone to weed out some of the obvious douches. They’re making it easy.

I truthfully don’t care that much about this particular case, I care much more about how the jail/prison system is used in general. This fits into that for me, because if the end result of a trial is that she has house arrest then what the hell is the point of even having the trial besides wasting resources? In the US

I’m going to be drinking my manhattan while sitting around my patio camp fire and watching the sun set over the trees with changing colors thinking to myself, “Man Jia can go right to hell with that fall sucks bullshit.”

It’s a difficult situation. It sounds like she did everything she was “supposed to” like you said. I haven’t really seen much in the way of inflammatory statements but I haven’t really been paying that close of attention to the situation. It surprises me about 0% that there would be plenty given who the accused is

Yep. If for no other reason than McCown’s dumb ass will get hurt doing something stupid again. He’s gotten lit up like 5 times already doing something stupid in about 4 quarters worth of combined work in the preseason and 1 drive in the first game.

No one said anything about killing her. The killing people part referred to what nazis did, and how we no longer act like idiots and can instead use rational thought in deciding is or isn’t worth pursuing. Obviously you knew that and were just looking for whatever rebuttal you could think of, but I thought I’d spell

Yah, lots of people pretend that the punishment that gets handed down to criminals will act as a deterrent to others but it doesn’t usually work like that. Look at the completely ridiculous penalties attached to weed over the years. It didn’t stop other people from doing it, it just sent a ton of people to jail for a

Because depending on the situation/health, it doesn’t make sense to use public resources to put an old woman in jail who can hardly function. The purpose of jail is to help prevent future crime, not show a (completely justified) sense of moral justice. Taking someone out a nursing home to put into jail is a waste of

“Is there anything more seductive, more powerful, more relationship-affirming than the idea that your partner was so moved by the sight/thought of you that he moved mountains to set up a “meet-cute”? “

This was my question. I don’t really care if English is the “official” language one way or the other because who cares? I do wonder what the bill would actually do though, probably something stupid I suppose.

Based on your original logic it could be either!

I thought we were supposed to figure that out, and then if you thought she was guilty you put her on trial to prove it? Apparently we just put people on trial for stuff now to figure out if they did anything.

Because they were Nazi’s and we aren’t now, so we are capable of using rationale thought and compassion instead of just killing things because we don’t like them.

If 70 years later isn’t the time for humor then I don’t when is.

An old religious leader has outdated views on equality? No way! That never happens!

It definitely is the most backwater technological crap fest he thinks it is. It is by far the easiest sport to put in more technological advances due to the slow pace and limited action. The NFL got replay in 1986, and baseball just got it. That is insanity. The single fact that umpires are still calling balls and

You are right that it’s the most predictable time wise. It’s also about as exciting as staying regular.

Clearly the solution there would be to catch dino’s and put them in giant hamster wheels to generate power. We could even put them in giant zoos when they aren’t “exercising” for people to come look at. I don’t see any way that could go wrong.

Maybe in 10 or 15 years. The problem right now is they are trying to make the most people relatively happy who pay the most money for football related things. Those people right now are not rap fans because they are middle aged white people. I was shocked when the booked the unbelievably untalented Black Eyed Peas to

It definitely is a likely scenario. There are spiders freaking everywhere. There is probably one on your car right now.