Stevie Knicks

Customers who request super hot food, and are then instructed to be careful because it is super hot 100% absolutely deserve to be burned if they ignore that advice. Common sense would dictate the customer understand its going to be extra hot when they specifically request it like that. If ignoring that doesn't deserve

Holcomb played like shit in the game that allowed them to sneak in to the playoffs. Also, I am aware that a whole bunch of people wanted Holcomb to start because he played good in one game. That was why is was so frustrating. Lots of players look good for a couple of games, especially when they haven’t played that

This 100% true. Corn tortillas either make your taco awesome or terrible. There is no in between.

So I want to preface this with the fact that I agree with everyone here, he pretty clearly did it and got off super easy. It’s shitty all around.

Are they debating which jail she will go to (assuming conviction) or should go to? I assume you are talking about should, which would make them douches. Would she actually get to go to a women’s prison though? I assume our prison system isn’t exactly up to date with issues like this, given their general incompetence

This varies state by state. I don’t know the rules in California, but that definitely isn’t how it goes everywhere. Michigan for example (unless this has changed recently) is a no fault state, and your insurance covers your stuff every time no matter what happened.

So this info is all based on students in rural Iowa and Pennsylvania? Can we do these questionnaires in non small-town USA places too so we can get a real picture of the situation?

"If they want to see her all they need to do is say “Biggie Smalls” three times to a mirror in the dark at night.”

Same story with virgin as with brother.

And it was a horribly fucking stupid policy against marijuana that ended up with shitloads of people (mostly minorities) spending tons of time in jail for no fucking reason, mostly ruining their lives, and costing the whole country shitloads of money as jail populations increased a ton and police forces had to get

I still do buy flowers for my wife randomly. I just go to the floral section of whatever store I’m at and buy whatever random flowers look the nicest while also not costing a ton. I don’t really have a way to separate flowers I would buy for my wife vs my mom though, in either case I'm just buying whatever flowers

More than $50 for some damn flowers? There is a 0% chance I ever drop that much outside of a very special occasion.

Problem with that rule of thumb: To a lot of us flowers are flowers. Any and all flowers seem fine for either because to us it makes no difference.

I too would never change the sheets. It’s not because I am incapable of changing the sheets, it’s because I would just never do it. Which was exactly how I rolled before I got married, because I didn't really care.

I understand what you are saying, as that is a pretty common opinion, but couldn’t really disagree more.

Yah, actually it was. He, basically by himself, took the Browns to the playoffs the only time they’ve been back since 99. Until his elbow and shoulder got destroyed he was actually pretty decent, just playing with god awful talent all around him. The best WR he ever had was Kevin Johnson, who was never actually good

That “you’re a millionaire” part can be pretty significant. Especially when the allegations are 2 years old with zero evidence of any kind.

We had that happen the first year we switched to an auction league. The Other Adrian Peterson was the first guy put up to auction and immediately got purchased for like $25. It was pretty awesome.

When I was a young kid, I’ll estimate roughly 7 (+-2), myself and my older siblings decided it was a great idea to kick over a small barrel on our front porch that wasps had built a nest in and then take off running. Oldest one kicks it good, I turn around and try to open the front door that’s about 5 feet from the

Umm...Maybe this kid was forced to write a letter arguing the opposite side of what he actually believes, and that is why the whole argument is so poorly thought out and stupid. Because he couldn’t come up with any legitimate reasons?