Stevie Knicks

It’s not people, it’s money. We need campaign financing reform. The NRA has power because they have money. Once they can’t use that money to buy power from elected officials they stop having power.

It's going to take campaign financing reform. The NRA has power because they have money. Once they can't use that money to buy power from elected officials they stop having power.

They basically are though? I mean, that's definitely not what it is to them. But it definitely is how they are thought of by the people who hire them, and by 75% of the people who watch them.

So, are you saying Big Ben getting married is the reason the Steelers defense stopped being good?

They’re beyond gross. They are completely awful in pretty much every way.

Yah that would have been awesome if Arbys did that, as I would have very happily paid over the phone before hand.

So definitely call ahead so they can plan, agreed. However, did you actually make those orders ahead of time when you worked fast food? I've had to place orders like this a couple times, and even though they say they'll have it ready they won't even start the order until you show up and pay. At least that was my

As a follow up, mentioning crunchy red monogrammed thermoses stopped being funny about 7 months ago. Bring it up every once in a while, not 17 times every Monday.

You get that most of the food in a regular grocery store is vegan right? Buying the organic options at a local tiny supermarket is unquestionably more expensive than just buying regular vegan food at a standard supermarket.

I have been to Taco Bell a lot in my day, and I have never witnessed a single food item (deserts like cinnamon twists excluded) that was premade. It would also barely save any time since you can make a burrito in about 10 seconds when all ingredients are in bulk, already heated, containers right in front of you.

Agreed. The overreaction to these stories gets a little extreme sometimes. Frat definitely suspended. Public shaming for sure. But that’s pretty much the end of it. You don’t kick people out of college because they hung up a really stupid sign on a house trying to be funny (since I’ve seen banners exactly like this

I guess it depends what you mean to some degree. Is it possible that most very old religous doctrines considered it a sin and nothing has been officially changed, sure. At the same time, very very few religions actually look down upon divorce. I mean, Mennonites are some of the most conservative people in the country

“Part of it is [me] not really having believed in the concept of monogamy entirely”

I wonder how many people sent their own personal, umm, "seed" in? Somebody had to of, right?

As another Browns fan, you are seriously overrating Andy Dalton. Almost no teams would be happy with him, and the ones that were would stop being happy once he actually played for them. Dalton is no better than any other shitty QB, he just has AJ Green to catch jump balls he throws up. Giving him the contract they did

“Ya, it’s pretty disheartening for me. I literally just got a 14 day ban because I’m trying to teach people how to lane with me, but they just get mad and say I’m bad.”

Ok, sex ed is awesome and something our schools suck at. That said, what fucking instructions (heh!) are needed for how to use a condom? If you can’t figure out how to put on a condom without a lesson once you're passed the age of 10, then you should never be allowed to have sex. I'm seriously having a hard time

Is that what you said when Ray Rice punched his girlfriend?

Good experienced starters don't need a lot of reps, RG3 needs all the reps he can get. It's not like he was playing late in the 3rd qtr or something. Taking him out would have been perfectly reasonable, but it's not like leaving him in was a terrible decision, just a terrible outcome.

Kind of what I assumed, but good to actually know. Thanks.