Stevie Knicks

So what exactly are the “server” problems we’re talking about? I have the PC version, and I’ve played about 5 games online spread out over 3 different days. Every time it is super jumpy making it basically impossible to play and have fun. Every time the game finishes I have the lowest ping in the group.

I mean, it sounds like you haven’t been a fan for a while.

Uh WalterPeck, yes. Sugar is absolutely a preservative.

Yah, but baseball sucks.

The Browns didn’t forfeit a game against the Jags due to bottlegate, it was simply suspended temporarily to get all the refs off the field before they were murdered. It resumed shortly thereafter and was finished. Also, the cause of that was the refs deciding to review a play after the next play had already been

It seems like the likely way that would play out is:

I will never, ever, forget that play. The only thing equally as memorable for a 30ish year old Browns fan (you know, other than the whole losing the team thing) was bottlegate. I still kind of wish one of those refs would have actually gotten injured in that whole debacle. They would have deserved it for reviewing a

I cornered my left ring finger on one of those when I was cooking at a summer camp. They had me slicing up a crap load of ham at like 6:00 in the morning when I was stupid college kid used to waking up at 10:00. Someone called my name and I turned to answer them and stuck my finger in that sucker in the process.

When I was in college three other guys and myself shared an apartment away from school for a one semester class. We had some croquettes that were awesome at a restaurant and decided we should buy a bag of frozen croquettes to make at our apartment later on. Being 100% inexperienced with deep frying, and too stupid to

Would you rather:

A WR on my middle school football team got crushed by a girl playing safety when he caught a ball over the middle. He was mocked relentlessly for it for a few days because we were stupid middle school boys and it was 20+ years ago, but still. I believe it was that same girl that wrestled and pretty much kicked

Yah, you should be mad at the people who are looking to get the best possible compensation. That makes sense. It definitely isn’t the fault of the airline that intentionally sold more seats than they actually had available, knowingly creating this situation in the first place.

Can’t do that though. We you play the scare-tactics game and over-state things and intentionally mislead (to a degree) then people will notice your bullshit and think doubt everything you ever say going forward.

Is there some way to pass a law that makes it impossible to essentially backdoor make things illegal by removing funding for them even though they’ve been established as legal? Congress did it to DC with weed, and it seems to be a pretty standard conservative ploy at this point. I can’t imagine how a law like that

The straight ticket option should definitely not exist. Frankly, listing the candidates party shouldn’t happen on the ballot either. If you don’t even know who the people are you shouldn’t be voting on that part of the ballot.

Seconded. Best when topped with a tomato and bacon before being broiled (bacon mostly cooked already obviously). Many yumms.

I mean, he basically did just say so in his interview now. I assume you mean at the time he should have clarified that better.

If you cook a sous vide steak to 145 it will definitely not look like a normal medium rare. There may still be some pink hue to the whole thing, but generally speaking it will be basically brown.

A long time generally, though a kitchen could have a whole bunch of steaks in the water bath ready to go, and then just put a quick sear once they are ordered. Again, this isn’t really relevant to the current story as that guy was just dumb.

****Warning Pinkham’s law incoming (kind of)****