Stevie Knicks

In high school as part of our schools show choir we went and did a team building exercise that included a high ropes course. Even though I am terrified of heights normally, I was fine with this course due to the fact that we had the harnesses to tie yourself to the wires. Anyway, I did the first 90% of the course

The helmets help to make that problem much worse than it needs to be. As currently constructed there is basically no give at all when a helmet is struck. A softer outside coating that has give, allowing a more gradual slowing instead of coming to a dead stop, would significantly reduce injuries from this.

To further elaborate.

And how many people have taken part in cheerleading vs mma? If you think it’s less than 5x as many I’ve got bad news.

Playing without helmets in football would make most of the current head injuries much much safer. Most head injuries in the NFL happen either when someone is using the helmet as a weapon, or just ducking their head and hoping for the best instead of actually keeping their head up and paying attention. Safeties aren’t

While I understand what the author is saying, it’s not really a reasonable possibility given how the sport works. There are no hard and fast rules that will ever work to stop a fight, because every fight is different and one punch will always have a chance of being all that is necessary to end a fight. It will always

Even to people who like the MMA that guy sounds like a jackass.

Anyone that pays hundreds of thousands of dollars for a bag deserves to die in a fire.

That is not completely false at all. Players have not been winning lawsuits like this, they have been winning lawsuits when the NFL didn’t follow the CBA. Unless there is some type of information the PA finds showing they didn’t follow the CBA none of those are relevant.

So two things. On your second point, stop trying to compare cases about illegal conduct outside of the sport to NFL rules issues and cheating. They aren’t the same thing in any way, and are in fact controlled by two completely different sections of the CBA.

If the players didn’t agree to it in the CBA than he wouldn’t get to do that. It’s the players own fault they agreed to that stupid system.

If the NFL has singed an agreement saying it would do those things and then refused to you’d have a point.

You are way way way too certain about something you don’t know very much about.

The part you are missing is the whole both sides having agreed in the CBA to how these disagreements are to be handled thing, and how judges tend to not want any part of overruling stuff like that most of the time.

A week? 2 days max. Probably only one.

I mean, the wife I’ll give you. I’m not putting blame on the kids for their Dad being an asshole though. They don’t really have much say in the matter.

Or said a different way, The NFL has a pretty strong circumstantial case based on the ball boys team owned phones, and since Brady decided to destroy his own phone instead of using it to help clear his name they’re pretty damn sure he did it.

Right now no, they don’t really have any legal power to make anyone do anything. They can ask nicely for it, but that’s probably about it. If it goes to court maybe that changes and they can subpoena the records or something.

Only someone that defines “proof” as having video of it happening believes that.

It’s on roughly the same level as a guy who pays ball boys in merch to sneak balls away after officials check them to deflate them a little since he likes them better that way.