Stevie Knicks

It depends how you define “they”. If you mean Verizon, probably not (mostly because they probably don’t want to have that ability so that they can get a subpoena 1,000,000 times a year). If you mean the NSA then probably.

Destroying an old cell phone when you get a new one makes sense. The choice to get a new phone the day before investigators look at your old one however seems a touch fishy.

My extremely religous/modest mother played the pixelated bukkake card and then asked us what it was. My brother and I, who appeared to be the only ones who knew, just went nope. Not gonna tell you that shit.

If you think scallops are foul then you have either never eaten a good scallop or you have the worst taste buds ever encountered in the whole world. If I could eat only scallops I would.

I get every bit of what you’re saying, but that restaurant is still stupid for doing that. You shouldn’t name a dish after a real food if that isn’t what it is. Rocky Mountain Oysters makes sense, because obviously oysters didn’t live in the fucking mountains. But just calling something alligator eggs (a real thing)

Hey look, you just accurately described both car racing and soccer.

I lived in China for a time, so I’m certainly aware of dog being served. I’m not aware I ever ate it over there, but it’s certainly possible I did. The skinning it alive part surprises me because I never saw anything like that happening. Could be a regional thing.

Dogs slaughtered for food in China are skinned alive? Where did that nugget come from? Considering that would make it way harder to skin something, I have a very hard time believing that one without some more info there.

I think the funniest part of this whole debate is that the temperature you specified is plenty cool. 69 or 70 degrees is a perfectly reasonable temperature.

In one so young.....really makes you wonder huh.

Based on that tweet and zero other information I know about them, I was wondering if Miranda was giving him shit for drinking too much when they were married. That was where my mind went at least.

My guess is he wasn't really thinking about what that would make you think about from the past, and was instead trying to get you to bang out 13 sexy times. Still a little rough though.

If you aren't the first person to star it click on the number to the left of the star. If you are the first click on the very left edge of the star. That is what I have to do now.

I should start by saying that I listen to none of the music from Taylor Swift or Nicki Minaj because none of it's very good. That said, your critique is criticizing Taylor Swift for not being a very good wordsmith when Nicki Minaj's best song was "Anaconda", which is basically a crappy remix of a funny but bad song

Yah I’m sure a lot of it is flexibility that would come once you did it a lot. I lived in China for 3 months and definitely never got used to it. I’m just too big though, and my knees hurt within 10 seconds of squatting.

I’ll give you that it’s clearly how the body was originally set up, as you can poop while squatting in about 10 seconds. Presumably we adopted the toilet out of laziness, as sitting on a toilet is “easier”. Also, the standard Asian body and my body are not similar, and that could be part of the reason. People in China

You should go ahead and take Grossi reports with the smallest grain of salt possible. He routinely just makes shit up and attributes it to “sources”. He is an awful “reporter”.

I thought you were sarcastically mocking since I'm apparently bad at reading comprehension. 100% agreement.

Not what I’m saying. If I actually witness it happen of course I’m going to alert authorities and management what has happened. I’m not going to pretend it didn’t happen.

What exactly am I supposed to do if someone I've never seen before commits suicide, call and console their families? If there's something I can do to help the situation I would, but there's not really anything to do in a situation like that.