
Yet another example of why White Sox games are so much better for families - or for anyone really. 

On a scale of “0" to “Keith Richards” how consistently high are you when you post on here?

This is a trick photo! All of those are the same woman, plus Glenn Beck, and ... what’s his name over there... Ann Coulter!

So she makes a career contradicting everything she can to distract from her lack of intelligence.

It’s a lot like how the GOP treats veterans.

Let her into your heart, then you can start to hit it better.

Wtf are you talking about? Is MLK no longer from Georgia because he was murdered? This article makes zero fucking sense. We're all super proud of how upset you got tho. 

Another former flight attendant and I’m a bit skeptical, to be honest. I think it’s pretty difficult to not notice someone in a seat unless they are hiding. I wonder if this is some sort of staged money grab. I’d find either scenarios about equally likely.

It absolutely is standard practice. I used to be a flight attendant, and this job fell squarely on us. Walk the plane, back to front, and check every seat and lavatory. I mean, come on!

That’s what the naysayers said about the Missouri Compromise!

The same logic is applied to doctors during their internship - “Yes, they have to work abusively long shifts, and yes, they’re exhausted and sleep-deprived on the job and this might easily result in poor patient outcomes (including death), and yes, it’s a hellacious ordeal but I went through it and so everyone else

It’s strictly a coincidence that the Polio vaccine innoculations and Ray Kroc’s aquisition of McDonald’s happened around the same period in time. Note that the number of reported cases of Polio dropped year by year as the number of McDonald’s outlets multiplied almost exponentially. So-called “scientists” and

I would say that about 95% of Bears fans are still pissed about it. So, I’m happy he’s not letting that shit go and I hope guys like Hicks and Mack use that anger to rip someone’s arms off and beat them with them in the fucking goddamn preseason. Who are you to discuss this, Samer. How dare you

List invalid - No Daffy Duck.

Yeah, that’s gonna be a ‘No’ from me dog.

I had no idea she was this qualified to be President.

Smartass stuff aside, this is an excellent explanation.

I know a lot of people are going to take satisfaction and glee from this because of Marchand’s previous actions. But keep in mind.... just kidding, fuck that guy.

...the goal of every NHL season is to prevent Montreal and Toronto from winning The Cup.

Because people are stupid?