Objectivity has no place in this. The Bruins are evil and cannot prevail.
Please please please please please please... Oh please beat the Bruins...
They have a Taylor Swift but fetish?
Hawk Harrelson Jr. is going to remember this very differently.
lol, how old are you? like, are you legitimately a 12 year old?
The fact the 3rd baseman ran and the catcher just kind of sauntered out after putting one between the pitcher’s running lights would lead you to believe this was an assassination attempt.
“She took that shot to the face, she’s going to be ok, we just have to run some more tests and see what happens from there”
When you think about it, Robin Lopez actually did not get the defensive rebound.
I guess you aren’t the kid who sat in the back of my 1st grade class then...
Dennis may have been making a bold and powerful statement here; a statement about the anomaly of capitalism, the emptiness of collecting “stuff” to impress fellow superficial travelers that one may encounter along our spiritual journey on this short time on this giant rock.
“We need to move this large rock. What should we do?”
“my public defender could have got me off.”
You’re that guy, aren’t you. I’ve heard about you.
Found him!
“The [Cubs] added that they will not release the name of the fan to the public.”
As a Canadian who refuses to watch this fascist asshole of an overstuffed couch having been puked on by a black lab after eating a box of Crayolas, let me tell you you can’t make me click on any link involving watching and/or listening to him. Can’t make me, can’t make me, can’t make me.
What? What’s wrong with thinking Tiffany Trump is smokin’ hot?
Boy, it sure would be nice if the Clintons and The Deep State didn’t have such nefarious control of the horse racing industry! Sad!