
Oh! Oh! *raises hand* Mustang!

You say this like there’s not already an electric Hummer...

The new systems literally will NOT recognize components, unless a John Deere Representative comes out and runs their recognition USB key to unlock the tractor.

This would be like if you needed to change the brakes on your car and could only go to the dealership, because the moment you removed the wheel, the engine

Negative percent changes in sales of the Q50, Q60, Q70, QX30, QX50, QX60, and QX80—coincidentally, also cars I cannot for the life of me accurately bring to mind, no matter how hard I try.

In other words, the mud turned into catenaries?

Gotta be Canadian.

If you listen carefully, they’re actually forming rudimentary words...

But it is a 3 for Dale... A 3.. get it? 3?

Man gets free Tesla using ONE WEIRD TRICK!

That was the optional Knee Steering setting. For those times you absolutely needed two hands to eat your take-out, read the newspaper or apply make-up while traveling to work.

Every time I climbed out of my velvety interior 1980's Chrysler Fifth Avenue, I felt like I was exiting the womb.

Old guys in wheelchair in background...this shot is real guys.

I would think it would be a better idea from a PR standpoint to offer a free upgrade to passengers who are a part of the airline’s loyalty/rewards program whenever they cut off booking. It makes the first class seats look more sought after to other passengers if the seats are full, it makes the upgraded passenger(s)

Imagine if they made it an SUV and still called it the R8, lollll. - Ford.

Jalopnik is barely here as is.

Jalopnik for sure

I imagine that Jalopnik staffers are currently rolling around on the floor as they do not yet have a grave to turnover in.

People can have strange reactions with new things.

This misunderstanding of the stock market pops up a lot. Markets are a gamble on the future with an eye toward the past.

You can’t really compare a startup’s performance to a century-old, deeply established stalwart like F and GM. They don’t compare. They exist in different orbits. Tesla’s yearly sales brand-wide is approximately equivalent to an older brand’s sales for a single model.