
People who buy a Rolls-Royce do not far it’ll go on a tank.

The problem with a 200 mile range is not that 200 miles is not sufficient for average use case. For one, EV cars are very sensitive to temperature. If its really cold or really hot, that 200 miles of range might now be 133 miles. And thats with a new battery. A few years and 60k miles on the car? Maybe the max range

You need to stop now. You’re embarrassing yourselves with this ridiculous fawning and excuse making. I love the Taycan but at that price point 200 mile range is unacceptable and you know it. They have had YEARS to beat Tesla and they aren’t even close on range and barely(Maybe not for long) beat them on performance.

So let me get this straight, if Tesla announces that their Cyber Truck or Model Y would get 300 miles of range, but only tests to 201, I expect to see articles here defending Tesla, about why that range is perfectly fine........right? I mean fairness in Journalism right? 

Where’s the whole rant about over promising and under delivering? I could swear I've seen that before around here...

Saying Teslas are sacrificing reliability for range is kind of weird. The data shows battery depletion is hardly an issue, even at high mileage. So yeah, maybe the Porches battery will still hold 97% of it’s charge at 200,000 miles, but if the Tesla is still holding 90%, who cares?

And for this, Porsche should be vilified rather than absolved. better next time, please. If the market said to Porsche, this is “fine”, then Porsche (or any other manufacturer for that matter) will have an incentive to produce a 150k-180k car with poor range.

But that’s partially because Porsche is not willing to make the trade-off between range and reliability that Tesla is, as contributor Mack Hogan has explained.

Lol.. for the price it is absolutely not fine

When Tesla screws up: Jalopnik goes out of its way to remind people how bad of a misstep it is. Repeatedly.

The only problem with this is that for EVs, range is a performance stat - as important as any other. And every Porsche enthusiast is going to want their EV to outperform the competition when they pull into the local EV car show. What wont do is having some smug Tesla owner talking about how his car not only goes as

Don’t try to buy this? Then what are all of my sharks supposed to wear Andrew? Hats like some common pigeon?!? 

Cars as a whole are crashed once every 436,000mi, Tesla reported an autopilot crash rate of once every 2,910,000mi. Do I believe tesla’s number? Not fully, but even if it were embellished by a factor of 6 it would be less. Normal driving is not a great alternative. I’m not expecting 0 crashes.

Maybe you should consider suing Elon for $190M over this incident, like that pedo guy loser who you wanted to steal your freedom of speech? Seriously, it takes a completely surrendered slave-mentality like yours to write an article like this — which gives Tesla free press, BTW, thank you! I hit stupid orange cones all

Wow... biased much in the news? Bad journalism 101 and you passed with extra points. Leave your depressive feelings aside and stick to the facts.

Why are you shocked? Unsworthy made an insult first and provoked Musk into insulting back. You can’t provoke a person with an insult then sue them.

Presumably the trucks would be done on new lines created to avoid buying more of those systems. It’s not like they’ll stop making the existing models to make the truck. 

This is a good take. For years we’ve been halfheartedly rooting for Tesla, knowing all the while that a new car company in post-consolidation, hyperregulated America would be nearly impossible. Tesla finds a way to shave down production costs and everyone jumps down their throats. I’m no fan of this hideous

GUUUUUUH I’m so tired of answering this question. The sources are not hard to find if you look.

100 cubic feet of cargo volume, with no wheel well intrusion. THe F150 has 65 uneven cubic feet.