
And if Fords $500 gas cards had an expiration date on them that drivers failed to notice would you blame Ford or the driver?

This is hardly a thing at all and it was easily sorted out by adding a different credit card. The same thing could happen if you were driving a gas car and your card was cancelled for fraud (if

I think Jalopnik kind of cherry picked his comments about the Model 3 (no surprise). He said those things but at the end of his review of the Model 3, said it was years ahead of the competition and incredibly profitable. It great to see Tesla is continuing to improve things in some clever ways. It appears the Y will

It’s because you have a poor world view. You see the negatives in everything. You hate corporations and think everyone that has more than you is evil. You can’t fathom that someone might help someone else for free because it makes them happy. Sad.

You lost me at $101k Jeep.

Another car or another wife?

Because this is a Gawker site.

That is the thing. AP didn’t CAUSE any crashes. People don’t have their hands on the steering wheel driving down the road when suddenly, AP rips the wheel from the hands and steers them into a ditch. PEOPLE are cause their own accidents because THEY don’t pay attention when every single one of them knows that they

So, your friend made it home safely when he would have crashed in another car.  Got it.  AP SUCKS!!! every Mustang driver leaving cars and coffee who plows into a crowd should be able to sue Ford. User error doesn’t matter???  Come on!

I bought my Tesla used directly from Tesla. It was living life as a service loaner until I clicked the buy it now button on their website, at which point it was taken out of rotation and sent to a delivery center / showroom for inspection / detailing etc. I had my bank wire the funds to Tesla after the loan was

Of course not.

The way I understood it was the audit process ran after they sold it. I wonder if they removed it in their system as soon as they bought it back but since it was floating between dealers and auctions and what not, no one actually hit the button on the screen to do the update (it has to be manually initiated). I think

I’m guessing Tesla bought the car back from the original owner (who paid for the features) during the lemon process. Once it was theirs again, they decided to remove the features (why?) and tagged it in their system accordingly. The car goes to auction and the original window sticker goes with it. Dealer buys it,

Seems messed up. I bought a used Tesla directly from Tesla and none of my features have disappeared. I wonder if it has something to do with the lemon title? Does it still supercharge?  The situation sounds more like a bug/glitch than ill intent.  

It has air suspension and that is the low or very low setting.  It’s not hitting the Rubicon trail but its more than a mini-van.

Good point. If you charge every night, your golden. I did that when I had an i3 because it had much less range. I also have a maker-who-shall-not-be-named which I charge once a week or so. When I get down to ~50 miles range, I start to keep mental track so if a need pops up for a longer trip than usual, I’m prepared.

“I don’t know too many people who drive 194 miles in a day regularly, so I still wouldn’t consider range anxiety too high on my list of things to be worried about when buying a new EV.”

Don’t forget, this was under optimal conditions. Try driving in winter with the heater on and in snow/rain and your range is

Amen.  My two favorite things are watching libs melt down about Trump and Jalopnik have to admit Tesla hasn’t failed.

Agreed.  I respect him more that he sold it and paid his debt rather than looking for a way to weasel out.

Lol. I love the verbal backflips you’re jumping though to explain this rather than just admit they missed the mark. They had almost 8 years to study, refine, and learn from Tesla and other EVs and they missed the mark. Even at twice the price, its questionable if the Porsche is better - and that means its a fail. It