
How about a message every time you turn it on and if it senses you aren’t holding the wheel, it flashes and starts loud beeping until ultimately disabling the feature until you come to a stop and put the car in park?

It doesn’t matter what they call it. Say they call it the 100% perfect never crash mode. You buy the car, enable 100%PNCM (not a very catchy name), and drive around with your hands a millimeter from the wheel yelling OMG, it’s driving itself! During that time, while your safely paying hyper attention to it, you

Because it enhances the safety of the much greater number of people that can handle the responsibility.

“Drivers are taking their eyes off the road without concerns because they bought a system that says it drives for them.”

Unless the study was for the same number of cars and the same number of SUVs hitting the same number of people with a different resulting number of fatalities, SUVs are not the cause.

How many times have we heard Tesla is burning through money and is doomed? I’m not worried because I know how they are spending the money (re-investment) and that it will have massive long term benefit.

No. Just no. We do not have some massive epidemic of people being killed by their cars. We’ve had what, 4 deaths in Tesla/Uber cars? Literally THOUSANDS of people die every day in car accidents. What we have is an optional feature that provides immense value for the vast majority of people that use it properly that

I agree 100% but would add that I feel a greater threat from punk looters and rioters in the case of natural disaster/epidemic/food shortage/extended power outage etc. We have seen time after time how often things like this occur and how it brings out the animal in people who don’t prepare for them. Don’t take away my

Employee of Automatic Systems Inc. was hurt performing job that was designed and supervised by Automatic Systems Inc. - No one cares. Oh, you say it happened in a Tesla factory? OMG!!! Tesla sucks!!! They’re trying to cover it up!!! They are unsafe!!! Now it’s worthy of Jalopnik.

To humble Hellcat and Demon owners :)

I have a Tesla. There is zero chance someone can get the impression it will drive for them. This is why. People fall into 1 of 3 categories:

This video proves it was 100% the driver at fault because here we have another driver in the same spot with the same AP system that makes the same mistake because of lane markings etc. and yet because he’s paying attention, he has plenty of time to correct and the car doesn’t kill him. The only way you die here is if

Your analogy with cruise control happens all of the time and is a non issue. People set the cruise to 70 on the freeway and exit. They are on a surface road and press the resume button and guess what, the car accelerates back up to 70. They have to PAY ATTENTION and stop it from doing something that is actively

Your analogy is false. For this to be equivalent, the manufacture would have to tell you that after voluntarily pushing some button, the steering wheel MAY come lose so you should be ready to correct if it does. Next, you would have already driven this road before and know exactly at which point it comes lose and have

I drove 1500 miles on autopilot this week. I did it with my hands resting on the steering wheel. Believe it or not, keeping my hands on the wheel is the most comfortable place for them because it’s right freaking there in front of my within easy reach and I’ve been conditioned to hold onto it over 30 years of driving.

Actual roads like the other multi millions of miles they have driven successfully on?

Nobody freaking lives in Canada (comparatively). Normalize your numbers by population and urban density and come back to us. No other country has as many highly populated, tightly packed cities like Chicago, LA, New York, etc. as we do.

This! I have a Model X with auto pilot. For those of you who have never driven a Tesla before, let me tell you how it goes:

Great timing for your post. I’m in Argentina on business and saw one of these out of the corner of my eye today and had no idea what it was...and now I know!