“Even if Tesla boosters hate to admit it, the automaker’s about to face stiff competition from the rest of the industry with equally impressive electric cars. “
“Even if Tesla boosters hate to admit it, the automaker’s about to face stiff competition from the rest of the industry with equally impressive electric cars. “
Except your foiled when they hit summon on their phone or key fob and it pulls out from between the vans and they hop in and take off.
They also resist hydroplaning very well because of the narrow width.
No, compare his glowing praise of a BMW i3 with the SAME if not worse “flaw” of a difficult to access battery cutoff with his acting like the Model 3 access makes its a death trap on wheels. This kind of inconsistency makes him full of BS.
That guy is a joke. We’ve had EVs now for a while. What percentage of accident require cutting power to the battery? How do access compare to other cars? I had an BMW i3 which Munro swooned over with the SAME emergency issues...I don’t think there is ANY way to open the frunk of an i3 from the outside to get to the…
So, if you had a company you’d be totally cool with “employees leaking company trade secrets and confidential information, partnering with competitors, or constantly exuding negativity, etc.,”?
This is news because no one else in any other type of car has ever hit a stationary vehicle on the side of the road. Ever. Got it. Damn you Tesla!!!
Still love my Model X.
I’ve had two EVs - BMW i3 and Tesla Model X. I charge both at home normally but when I plan a trip, I have to use public charging infrastructure. With the Tesla, charging works. Every. Time. With the BMW, I have to roll the dice and about 75% of the time, I come up craps. What network is the charger (Chargepoint,…
Chillax. A twitter poll isn’t binding.
You forgot the charging network. That is critical and no one else has one. That alone is why people will buy Tesla over other options.
And, I’m sure they LOVE Tesla and would have no reason to lie or exaggerate the truth. I’m mean, they’ve demonstrated how honest they are already by keeping the NDA they signed...
Still meaningless unless you know the number and types of all tests performed.
Maybe but unless you know the number an types of QA tests other manufactures conduct, we can’t make a comparison. Maybe Tesla is going over their cars with a fine tooth comb because they sell to a bunch of rich snobs that will complain about the slightest imperfection and Toyota’s idea of an end quality test is does…
What, no Diablo? Missed opportunity.
I had my BMW i3 bought back by BMW due to two 1/8" holes drilled into the A-Pillar. The car had been flashing a CEL when the range extender kicked on since new and they had had it in the shop ~40 days total in the first two months of ownership. During one of the service visits, they broke the windshield somehow and…
This is not a comparison to the rest of the world. It is a measurement of the quality of life for someone in the US making $140k. If they have a house and a family and a car payment and are trying to contribute to a 401k and save for their kids college, they are living a middle class life style. They don’t get to buy…
$140k is not rich by any means. Solid middle class especially in any city outside the midwest.
It’s not fair to compare month to month like that. People knew the change was coming so everyone in the market for an EV bought before the tax credit went away. You’d be an idiot not to. We will have to wait for a while to see if it had any impact. Chances are, it won’t. People that buy an EV do so because they want…
Article is misleading. Cars were not delivered to customers without seats etc. They were sent to the dealers with instructions that some late arriving parts would be sent separately and that the dealer would install prior to delivery. Nice try Ryan.
So, the problem is not that they can’t build game changing electric cars - and even one that it affordable like all of the experts originally said. It’s that they are doing it but just not fast enough. Got it.