
I vote for the 2 ports. The reason the i3 puts it on the back passenger side is for US cars that drive on the right side of the road to be able charge while street parking. That would be hard to do if it was on the driver side.

I had more issues with my new BMW i3 that BMW ended up buying back than I’ve had with my CPO Model X.

This is EXTREMELY common and been around forever. CPUs have cores locked or timings reduced. Appliances have features restricted etc. Programs have features hidden or turned off. At least with Tesla, customers had the option to pay to upgrade their cars. Other manufactures do this and never give you the option to

Is this really that big of an issue? Does anyone ever change where the vents point? The first time I got in my car, I pointed two vents at the driver and two at the passenger...and they have never been touched since. Fan controls and temp? Yeah, we mess with those but complaining about the usability of a control that

Yes. When you buy a new, inventory, or CPO Tesla, you get a referral code. The code can only be used on a new or inventory car (not CPO) and gets the person buying a 1k discount and supercharging and you get credit for a referral. The rewards seem to change often. Here are the details of the plan I got when I bought

They give you a referral code to pass out when you buy a CPO car as well. Your code is good for 180 days so the clock is ticking and I’ve got to start making some rich friends.

Hi. I’m Steve. Are you rich? Do you want to be my friend?

Great. Now you made me waste the rest of my day looking at cakes.

I think a Tesla Model X is the fastest way to move 7 people.

Wouldn’t the dealership need to pay her some advertising fees since they are keeping her car and using it for advertising?

One big plus for Google Music is that one paid account ($15) works for 5 people so my whole family can enjoy.

The system is call the Net Promotor Score or NPS. The way it works is people respond on a scale of 1-10. Responses from 9-10 are called promotors who are deemed so thrilled with their experience, they will actively tell people and help grow your business. 7-8 are neutral. 1-6 are considered detractors. The score is

I’m putting new tires on my i3. They are $165 each.

Except, I have an i3 and have lost track of how many people have told me how cool it is...and I was invited to display it in a car show.

You didn’t mention prices. Do cars like that even have windows stickers or MSRP? I’m sure there is no haggling but I do buyers even ask - or care - about the price? Maybe they just hand them their Amex Platinum card and say charge it? It boggles my mind.

Me and my BMW i3 agree :)

We’re not talking about never doing anything stupid. We’re talking about not street racing and there are many of us that can proudly raise our hands to say we’ve never done it and anyone who does is a waste of oxygen.

Correction - no one will buy it. They will finance it with 0 down for 84 months and then default on their $800 payments 1 year in.

They used to use the i3 for their test bed. I wonder why they changed? It would seem that an electric car would be much easier to integrate into a computer system but modern cars are probably all drive by wire at this point anyways so maybe it technically isn’t any different and a 5 series simply has wider appeal that

Tile tracker?

But......all you democrats and liberals have been calling BS on the republicans for years saying voter fraud doesn’t really happen.