
Love my BMW iDrive because I HATE fingerprints & smudges all over my screens.

Does anyone know if the super charging is tied to the car or the owner? If I buy a used Tesla, does it come with the perk even though I’d be a second owner? While I’m not crazy about this, I do understand it. This will also help keep the public infrastructure for available for people traveling rather than for people

It’s so you can do more Fast & Furious style shifting.

I’ve been a software engineer, a manager of a team of 6, and now a director over 60. I WISH I only worked an 8 hour day! The big difference is that when your an individual contributor, you determine your own destiny. If your behind, you work harder and catch up. When your a manager, your judged by the performance of

Tesla’s page has a link to Motor Trend discussing how they test 0-60. From MT: “We subtract a one-foot rollout from the launch to simulate dragstrip performance”. Can someone please explain that to me? How do you subtract length from a 0-60 time? Are they saying the car rolls 1 foot before flooring it? Does that mean

Given the hitch on the back, I’m guessing they tow something tall and this is for aero...and they skate...while discussing clocks.

What are the chances he planned the whole thing so he could use it for advertising?

The fuel system is pressurized to help and the engine does a little maintenance run ever now and then to circulate oil and fuel etc.

Now we know why they bought that Model X.

The center screen on the i3 is for Nav and multimedia. There is a second screen behind the steering wheel for the speedo and other vitals like range etc.

Honest question - has there ever been another car that generated enough excitement to have people camping out and lining up to reserve one? I can’t think of one.

I wish I could give you more than 1 star for this!

I’ve been a software engineer for 15+ years and am now director of software engineering for Fortune 50 company. No college hire gets that much. Period. If someone is offering that much, it’s due to a geo-location differential which means your in CA or PNW etc. where cost of living is so hire so your not *rich*.

In your dreams. ~75k is more like it.

100% agree with this. Electric cars are the future - especially for Jalops. Instant torque, low center of gravity, etc. Right now, manufactures are trying to balance cost with sustainability with range etc. Those problems are working themselves out as the technology progresses. I’m no tree hugger but I drive a BMW i3

I LOL’d, then felt guilty, then clicked your star.

Awesome Doug. I loved the shot of the Nav with your location in the middle of the lake :).

If we’re listing things not available yet (Bentley), why not include the Lambo?

I’m amazed at how much love the Ridgeline is getting now. I bought one in 2006 and loved it but everyone including Jalopnik seemed to hate it. I can’t count how may girl truck comments I got and a few bros even rolled coal on me. Screw em! Go Honda!

It opens much lighter to the a traditional door. Very easy to open and close with one hand. I’d say I opened mine to the side 85-90% of the time and only folded it down for long cargo.