
I bought a Ridgeline in 2006 and loved it. People made fun of my girly truck but was awesome. I loved that trunk in the bed. It drove like a car the 95% of the time that I commuted with it yet still could tow and off road (a bit). The only thing I missed was a low range transfer case. I like the face lift they’ve

The super / public / free charging is kind of a chicken and egg problem. Either you have enough EVs to support the infrastructure - which leads to chargers being busy (or blocked by gas cars) and people ticked that they can’t charge OR there are few enough EV cars that the chargers wouldn’t be busy - but then there

It’s certainly possible to take the i3 on road trips. I bought mine in UT and had a 250 mile trip home. As far as the range extender keeping up, I’d say it’s right on the bubble. If your driving 80 mph uphill with the heater blasting in the winter at night while it’s raining - no. It can’t keep up and your battery

Does it have language and gore filters?

My i3 is Ionic Silver - Classy :)

BMW is definitely right about people sticking with electric cars. I’m an i3 owner and I won’t go back to ICE regardless of the environmental aspects. It’s just simply more fun to drive.

One of the first reviews I read on the original Hummer didn’t have a 0-60 time. The reason was the mag would calculate the 0-60 DURING the 1/4 mile run...and their Hummer didn’t get to 60 in the 1/4. Looks like you’ve got a hot rod Hummer :)

I’m leasing a BMW i3. I love the car and have been considering buying it in 3 years when my lease ends. I’m hoping that because it’s an electric, the value will plummet (like Nissan Leafs)and it will be worth less than the residual but BMW will make a deal close to actual value to avoid having me return it thereby

Wow. I didn’t realize it was that bad. I’m a LONG way from that in Idaho :). Sometimes we do donuts on the freeway because there simply isn’t anyone around. Sounds like towing a vehicle thru Philly should be the subject of your next video...or book...or tweet. Hilarity would ensue.

Funny, but on a serious note, no tow strap?? I know the Hummer is heavy buy your in a Land Rover for crying out loud. Surely you can put your hazards on and drag ~7000lbs or so at 10MPH long enough to get it somewhere.

Flame suit on...
I've always wondered about recalls like this. I’m an engineer. To fix bugs, I have to have a VERY solid set of repro steps and know the exact state of the system I’m testing. Adding or removing software or just messing about with stuff generally means that all bets are off. I might think I know what

I've actually been dealing with this on my 2014 BMW i3. It's been in the shop 6 times and over 40 business days for the same issue. BMW offered a buy back or cash compensation if I wanted to keep the car. Given that I love the car and can work around the issue, I choose the cash but its been and interesting

I had to keep scrolling down but I was sure someone had to post the i3. When I first saw a picture of one, I was like WTF but then I saw / touched / drove and then bought one. I love it.

Um, I have an i3 and you can do exactly that.

Any time you rely on public charging, there will be some range anxiety. Even if there are plenty of chargers on your route, they may not be available for a number of reasons. Getting ICE'd happens a lot.…

I put a Rhino lining in mine 2/3 of the way into my lease and didn't have any problems returning the truck. The lease return guy made the comment about how people are always screwed by this. They get livid when they have a liner but the lease company wont accept it because it shows too many scratches. Then they

I leased a 99 Silverado back in the day. One thing to keep in mind when leasing a truck is the condition of the bed at the end of the lease. You have to do a spay on or some type of insert if you have every actually hauled something.

I'm curious about the purchase process. Do they let you test drive them? Do you haggle over price? Do the salesman try to sell you undercoating like they do to us mere mortals?

Wish I'd know you were looking for one. We've had one on a lot in Rexburg Idaho that even has a set of Mattracks.

Let me be more specific. I don't believe in man made global warming.