
I love it. It's so much fun to drive, I bought it despite the fact that I vote GOP, hate Obama, and don't believe in global warming. I bought it on the merit of the car itself and not out of guilt for the environment.

In my BMW i3, I have the same Comfort, Ecopro, and Ecopro+ modes. I would have figured those names (especially the eco ones) would have been trademarked or something. It seems odd that they appear in other cars but maybe that's a good thing as it will lead to a bit of standardization. Also, when my car is in the

If I lived there I'd be trying to get arrested just so I could get a ride in them.

Any idea how many kW it takes to charge? My i3 takes about 21kW to charge from empty so I was able to calculate that it cost me about ~$2 to do a full charge. I know I wouldn't have to charge as often with the Tesla because of its range but it would be nice to be able to crunch the numbers.

The base model wheels are bad. I think it looks pretty good with the optional 20's.

The volt gets 30 miles on a charge. Nuff said.

Actually, it's the only car that in its range with an optional range extender which makes it very unique. My goal was to get to and from work without having to spend money on gas. (If I don't have to buy gas, I could take that $250 I used to spend and instead apply it to my payment). I have a 60 mile round trip for

I love my i3! To all the nay sayers, go drive one. I guaranty it will put a smile on your face. The technology and instant torque is awesome. I bought mine on the merit of the car alone. Not out of any guilt for the environment. It's hella fun to drive and gets attention everywhere I go.

Maybe not in the same league but when you buy and ATV, the dealer by law can't release it to you until you have some safety training. Maybe something like that is in order.

The problem is the money we've been collecting has been mismanaged and spent on other stuff. Politicians say to themselves, the roads/bridges/infrastructure isn't THAT bad - we'll spend that money on some social program that will buy us votes in the next election and worry about fixing stuff later. I won't support

How can you not see an i3 here? It's almost a dead ringer! Even the interior is a ripoff of the BMW with the 2 separate screens.

True. I guess it just depends on what your comparing it to. Compared to other EV's, it's freaking awesome. Compared to other hot hatches, it's respectable.

It will waste your M3 0-30 so if we move from the ring to around town...where most people drive, you'll be in trouble.

Yes. It most certainly is. It feels like a go cart because it's so light and the instant torque with no gears to changes makes it feel much faster than it is...even though 7 sec 0-60 is pretty decent to begin with.

It handles very well because it is so light.

Yes, you can drive with one pedal. Yes, the break lights come on under strong regen. No, the regen isn't adjustable.

The dip in the rear window makes visibility from the rear seat (which is large enough for 2 adults) much better.

I'm 6'3 with all my height in my torso and I still have lots of head room. It probably helps that US version don't have sun roofs. I have more room in my i3 then I did in my Honda Ridgeline.

I just bought one. 2014 i3 Rex. I love it...and I don't believe in global warming. Unfortunately, mines been in the shop all week. The check engine light in my electric car came on (irony I know). Misfire on cylinder 1. They are replacing plugs, wires, coils, and intake manifold gaskets. I'll get it back today

I just did but in my case, I eliminated gas. My daily commute is 60 miles - 300 per week. My previous vehicle was a 2006 Honda Ridgeline. It averaged about 17.5 MPG. 1200 miles per month / 17.5 = 68.5 gallons of gas. Figuring gas at an average of $3.50/gallon, I was spending $240 per month.