
I looked at this but in the end bought the i3. The range extender was the clincher. It removes the range anxiety. Both cars are hella fun to drive though.

I was thinking that as well. The GTR seems to just launch so much harder than the other cars and there is no way it's more aerodynamic than the Lambos.

Here's my stupid question: How much HP does it take to have a "fun" car? I've never had a sports car but now that I'm hitting my mid life crisis, I'd like to get one (It cheaper than a mistress). I'd like it to be able to easily do a burnout without having to pop the clutch. IfI decide on an automatic, I want to

Could they actually resell this diamond? I wonder if it's truly a case of finders keepers. There can't be that many diamonds in the world like this and people in the biz would probably recognize it if it suddenly appeared for sale. Could Jaguar demand their property back?

Three things. First, it's 2014. Why the big ass key? I know there is security stuff in it but seriously, with all the tech we can pack into a smartphone, I know these could be made smaller. By the time you have a 2 car keys and the remote fobs and your house keys etc., you can't fit them in your pocket anymore.

Wow. HDR much?

Hi Gino-Gargiulo. No hate here - I love it. My comment was for others complaining that we don't tax the rich enough. My point was that when people spend money like this, it benefits lots of we get to enjoy wild creations like yours!

Why the hate? 1.3 million of this mans money just got transferred to a bunch of people to build a boat. Instead of taxing the rich, why not just require them to buy insane stuff like this. It's a win for everyone!

Exactly. I'm sure the computer keeps track of the number of times the feature is used which could easily be crossed referenced with GPS data (does Ford have an OnStar equivalent?).

They don't throttle anymore. I asked them specifically about it and they said they changed their policy due to complaints. I was able to upload 700 GB during the trial.

Carbonite doesn't throttle uploads anymore. I was able to upload at 3MB (my max upload) during the entire trial and managed to upload 700GB. The reason I decided not to use them, however, was that I could never be sure what was backed up since they skip all different types of executables. I have lots of program

I was already to go with Carbonite until I realized that it doesn't backup exe and other program files unless you manually select each one for backup. This means that for my folder of installers for programs I've bought and downloaded, I'd have to traverse each one and add it to the backup. There is no way I'm doing

How about Turbros?

Ignore. I didn't realize how old this article was.

I've never understood this kind of thing. Do these people have money burning a hole in their pocket? I spent over 8k on my ATV (Razors cost even more) and every time I'm tempted to do something stupid on it, two things go through my mind. 1) if I crash, it will hurt and 2) I don't want to destroy my ATV. After I

I love the Model S but it's way out of my price range. Does anyone have any ideas about how well it will age? In 5-7 years, will used ones be available in the ~20k range? If so, I wonder if it would be worth it to get one then.

I'm 41 and when I bought my Nokia 920 on Friday, there was one other person there buying one...a 16 year old kid. He was in the same boat I was...had an iPhone 4s, waited to see what the iPhone 5 was going to be about, wasn't impressed, and wanted to try something new. So far, I love it.

Setting up my new 920 now. It's a seriously nice phone. Anyone complaining of the weight is a pansy.

Yeah, Apple will pay big for this. As a photographer, I get people licensing photos all the time. When someone steals a photo and then comes crawling back to me because they received a notice from my lawyer, the new price just grew by an extra zero. I can hardly imagine what this deal will cost. Give the immense,