
Ignore. I didn't realize how old this article was.

I've never understood this kind of thing. Do these people have money burning a hole in their pocket? I spent over 8k on my ATV (Razors cost even more) and every time I'm tempted to do something stupid on it, two things go through my mind. 1) if I crash, it will hurt and 2) I don't want to destroy my ATV. After I

I love the Model S but it's way out of my price range. Does anyone have any ideas about how well it will age? In 5-7 years, will used ones be available in the ~20k range? If so, I wonder if it would be worth it to get one then.

I'm 41 and when I bought my Nokia 920 on Friday, there was one other person there buying one...a 16 year old kid. He was in the same boat I was...had an iPhone 4s, waited to see what the iPhone 5 was going to be about, wasn't impressed, and wanted to try something new. So far, I love it.

Setting up my new 920 now. It's a seriously nice phone. Anyone complaining of the weight is a pansy.

Yeah, Apple will pay big for this. As a photographer, I get people licensing photos all the time. When someone steals a photo and then comes crawling back to me because they received a notice from my lawyer, the new price just grew by an extra zero. I can hardly imagine what this deal will cost. Give the immense,

Yup. I have been doing that for the last 6 years. I finally got rid of the car with the radio though so I cancelled for good and have had to suffer the spam onslaught that others have mentioned.

How'd you get your One X? I didn't think they were available yet.

2 rights make a plane.

Everything is always better in haiku.

The wifi on my iPhone 4 is completely broken and even 2 hours on the phone with apple couldn't fix it. My case is being escalated. What really ticked me off was that since wifi has been off, my phone updated all my apps over cell data and caused an overage. After explaining the situation to AT&T, they gave me a

Wow. That looks alot like a Nokia 920. Even the colors. Seeing how Apple has paved the way for litigation, I wonder if a lawsuit from Nokia isn't far away.

Except that the passenger paid for his ticket and the service manual didn't.

This is so my next phone. Good bye Apple!

Like the rest of you, I value you service as well and I've run into the same thing (but with much less expensive cars) - cash in hand, ready to buy but no help from a d-bag salesperson.

Part it out. The rims alone have to be worth a couple grand.

I think it's better to strap the wheels (tires would be better). I have an ATV. I used to strap it to my flatbed trailer by sitting on the rack to compress the suspension and then attaching a strap. One day, I was towing it like this and hit a bump. It must have been enough to further compress the suspension,

lol. I have a Ridgeline - and bought it to replace my Silverado. I do, however, think GM is in far more trouble than we think.