
um... so, how does this work? I installed the Amazon Instant Video app on my iPad but every video says playback not supported for this device. When I look at Amazon's support page for the app, there is no mention of iOS anywhere.

Here's your problem. Not agreeing != abusive.

I'm still trying to find a gadget/gizmo anywhere in this story while I eat my delicious Chick-Fil-A lunch. Seriously, am I on Gawker or something?? You people are pathetic. If you could point to 1 case where Chick-Fil-A refused to serve someone who was gay, you might have a point but for now, the only intolerant

Reminds me of how much I miss my SPOT watch. To bad that technology never caught on.

Burnt pixies.

I really enjoyed your book but I got the impression that most of your hacking was accomplished via social engineering / researching your target instead of reverse engineering code etc. and actually discovering exploits. Is that a fair assumption?

So, this small, beige, radio shack looking box can record every single molecule in a persons mass (not just the surface since it can tell what we had for breakfast) 50 meters away in a single picosecond. Hmm. Next, we're supposed to believe that all that data (terabytes? petabytes) could be searched - nearly

Couldn't Google easily change this by requiring manufacturers to provide updates to existing devices as a condition of getting new software licences? It seems to me that manufactures have no incentive to support people that have already bought a device - they've got your money. They only reason they pursue the

Just happy it wasn't "The New iOS".

Ok, so maybe it was a bad investment and I shouldn't have bought any but I did (only 5 shares). Did anyone else have problems actually making the trade? I placed my order with ScottTrade but it never executed. A couple hours later I hear they are issue with NASDAQ and decide to cancel my order since it never

Where's TIVO?? After having used one, and then the crappy imitations provided by cable and sat companies, I'm amazed they don't own the DVR market.

Sunscreen? Bug spray?

You win! I curse enough trying to bend & twist 12 gauge romex into a box when installing large switches like dimmers etc. That thing would be torture. This is the perfect solution.

For me, I want a tablet that is as powerful as my desktop. I want to be able to drop it in a dock and have it connect to my 2 existing monitors, keyboard, mouse, printer, etc. I want to run real programs on it like Office, Photoshop, Visual Studio etc. Then, when I leave the office, I want to grab it out of the

They need to hire this guy. I'm sure he can put something together for them. []+tracking-water-cannon-is-a-triumph-of-the-nerds

Here's an even better idea....why not just make it illegal to crash. I hate stupid politicians.

Cause I've got a boat and some ATV's. Plus, I like to roll up on Prius's and Smart's and scare the snot out of them. :)

I'm a bit jealous. I'd love to have a truck like that. I'm not a farmer but I live in a farming area and see new/newer trucks like this everywhere. I wondered how so many "poor" farmers were affording $70k+ trucks left and right so I asked a farmer friend. He said they all write them off on their taxes. Wish I

@ 1:55, you can hear the downshifts. Do flappy paddle cars do that automatically when you slow down or is the driver doing it?