
Couldn't Google easily change this by requiring manufacturers to provide updates to existing devices as a condition of getting new software licences? It seems to me that manufactures have no incentive to support people that have already bought a device - they've got your money. They only reason they pursue the

Just happy it wasn't "The New iOS".

Ok, so maybe it was a bad investment and I shouldn't have bought any but I did (only 5 shares). Did anyone else have problems actually making the trade? I placed my order with ScottTrade but it never executed. A couple hours later I hear they are issue with NASDAQ and decide to cancel my order since it never

Where's TIVO?? After having used one, and then the crappy imitations provided by cable and sat companies, I'm amazed they don't own the DVR market.

Sunscreen? Bug spray?

You win! I curse enough trying to bend & twist 12 gauge romex into a box when installing large switches like dimmers etc. That thing would be torture. This is the perfect solution.

For me, I want a tablet that is as powerful as my desktop. I want to be able to drop it in a dock and have it connect to my 2 existing monitors, keyboard, mouse, printer, etc. I want to run real programs on it like Office, Photoshop, Visual Studio etc. Then, when I leave the office, I want to grab it out of the

They need to hire this guy. I'm sure he can put something together for them. []+tracking-water-cannon-is-a-triumph-of-the-nerds

Here's an even better idea....why not just make it illegal to crash. I hate stupid politicians.

Cause I've got a boat and some ATV's. Plus, I like to roll up on Prius's and Smart's and scare the snot out of them. :)

I'm a bit jealous. I'd love to have a truck like that. I'm not a farmer but I live in a farming area and see new/newer trucks like this everywhere. I wondered how so many "poor" farmers were affording $70k+ trucks left and right so I asked a farmer friend. He said they all write them off on their taxes. Wish I

@ 1:55, you can hear the downshifts. Do flappy paddle cars do that automatically when you slow down or is the driver doing it?

That's because Ansel shot landscapes. Shallow DOF is most useful in portraits.

I actually think this will cause some problems as people grow reliant on them and they don't always work well. I've got backup cams on both of my vehicles (2006 Honda Ridgeline & 2011 GMC Acadia) and they each have issues. It can take up to around 7 seconds for them to actually come on so I can see people not being

"He hasn't been seen for months and no one knows how to get a hold of him." He's probably dead somewhere in that mess. Bring in the bulldozers.

I don't think they will get rid of the home button. Apples devices are supposed to be so simple to use, anyone can use them. Without the home button, a new user will not know what gesture to perform to switch apps etc. One button makes it obvious.

I have AirDisplay and I'm not that happy with it and my Win7 PC. First, it disables the Aero theme and second, it's not very stable and usually disconnects after 10 min or so and orphans any app that was on the iPad. The mount looks nice, but not $80 nice.

The first time I heard about a Glock, I was told it was the first gun where you could take a bunch of them apart, mix up the parts, and put one back together and it would fire perfectly (supposedly because all the parts were machined exactly alike). Is there any truth to that? I would assume that all guns could do

So, I know the customer is always right and everything but how do businesses protect against this kind of thing? It's simply the customers word that it was clay when they opened it. Perhaps they should make them open it before leaving the store. I guess that's why the rest of us are paying so much for stuff to