“Mechanic fired for posting amateur porn from her shop’s bathroom” doesn’t quite incite the pitchforks, does it?
“Mechanic fired for posting amateur porn from her shop’s bathroom” doesn’t quite incite the pitchforks, does it?
I mean, in at-will state, an employer can fire you for any reason they like. They can fire you because you wore the wrong color shirt, because you drove the wrong car, or because you happened to do adult entertainment on the side. As long as it doesn’t run afoul of employment laws, they’re in the clear.
Pretty much, yeah. This is wrong and illegal.
Yeah, I remember seeing that in the Buzzfeed article earlier this week. It doesn’t justify the dealership’s clearly disparate treatment of employees, but they most likely could have gotten off free had they not FUBAR’d this. I mean, I’m glad they did, as it exposed what dirt bags they are, but how dumb can you be...?
I’ve worked in manufacturing for 30 years and There is NO company HR policy I am aware of where watching porn at work is considered ok. Unless you work in the porn industry. Maybe Indiana dealerships are different...Those guys should have been written up, their manager written up and the HR person fired for negligence.
Watching porn AT WORK? No Problem!
She could make money doing a youtube channel fixing automobiles, and would be able to make more money than the childish asswipes who got her fired. Seriously, fuck those guys and that dealership.
That is fantastic, I hope it is a genuine offer and she entertains it. Would be a great fuck you for her to move to making SCGs vs the crap work she was getting at that dealership.
This. The dealers I used to circulate through as an insurance adjuster were all just begging for sexual harassment and hostile workplace lawsuits. As were the, for example, insurance companies telling people they had to go work in the locations, despite the fact that their hostile workplace policies (or lack thereof) d…
The only reason this is biting her is because how this dealership operates. As noted in the source article, one of the male employees was on that very same site. All he got was teased. Another male employee also groped another female employee, no mention of a reprimand for him.
That’s the thing, this shouldn’t have haunted her. Nothing wrong with making some porn on the side. She was wrenching for a living, not running for office. The people that would haunt her for this are the ones to blame, not her and her onlyfans account.
Amazing that nobody was reprimanded for viewing porn at work.
lol anyone who calls you a white knight is prob an incel or some sort of sexual assaulter themselves
She was thinking she’s an adult and should be able to do what she likes in her personal time.
She was also thinking she had bills to pay.
Yeah man, got to make sure technicians aren’t *checks notes* making a side income in a completely unrelated field.
That’s pretty fucking lame.
3. I’m Canadian and that’s disgusting. Sounds eastern.
That shouldn’t be the only thing that ticks you off about Canadians.