Steve P

Needed more Grill. I sent an Invoice to BMW for my work

Its a Mustang there is rust

I will have to adapt. I’m a little concerned.

How will his system handle working on an auto without rust?

Hey Jalopnik Editors!

Woops, yep. I fixed it.

San Rafael is not 2 hours north of San Francisco, more like half an hour or less since there’s no traffic these days. Actually looks like the Eichler neighborhood in Terra Linda. For those who don’t know Eichler houses are famous mid century modern houses. Pretty cool stuff to read up on actually.

David, don’t short yourself on the listing... YOU KNOW WHAT YOU GOT!

He cooked dinner on a hubcap.....your fears are well funded but ultimately rise to the level of him not giving two fucks.

the driver’s seat leans back too far and needs some sort of structural repair

A shop vac with decent filtration.

OK, let’s not lose sight of the buried lede.

Some days I want to live next door to you, David.

Is it this one ?

AMC used Saginaw columns in Jeeps all the way up to ‘93 (Jeep Grand Cherokee), ‘94 (Cherokee), ‘95 (Wrangler).

Most do. I think thats their job 

I have one, but it sucks.

That’s a shame. I have really enjoyed this series of yours. Thank you for providing non-politically laced content like this. It’s why I come to this site.

Wait, you take in all of these neglected Jeeps that have been sitting in barns and fields for years and you don’t have a Shop-Vac?