Steve P

Or since his favorite parts store, aka junkyard, is closed figure out which is in worst shape but has the most usable parts that will fit the others. And start the cannibalism.

My friend, old is NOT 50. Believe me. You will be fine until you hit about 65, give or take. That’s when the wind suddenly stopped pushing your sails. Trust me on this.

Kia should be dead soon during a Detroit Gambler. If he doesn't kill it I'll kill it for him. xD

Maybe not the hero that we need, but at least the hero we’ve got.

Replace the brake lines and iggy on the 87 Wagoneer. Sell for funds.

Only if it’s a straight 8.

Now you just need to start a blog.

I have a little orange thing in my garage, and I have all the parts and tools. And now, all the time. And sits....

I’ll set up a conference call.

According to my wife, a full bathroom remodel. I will still make room for egregious liquor consumption. 

Only if it’s a straight 8.

This is actually true.

The Postal Jeep project was more work than all 10 of these vehicles combined, but I took care of that because I became obsessed. When I have one singular focus, I’m unstoppable. Ten? Ehhhh, I’ll get around to them eventually.

“I haven’t been grocery shopping since Sunday, March 15, and even then, I barely bought anything. Over the past 10 days, I’ve been awed by just how much food I’ve had hidden in my cupboards—hundreds of dollars worth that likely would have just sat “

If you ever want a distraction come over to central va and help me swap a motor in a 50’s Buick.

I may join you this weekend.

Hey, get to work.

That has been the 1 positive out of this situation. I might be on reduced pay right now, but I have plenty of extra time to get my car ready for the summer season without doing a last minute thrash.  Actually being able to take my time is such a nice and strange feeling.

OK, so I know what this is.

My thought as I read this list of cars

Ha! You don’t have to worry about Coronavirus. Maybe Tetanus.....