Steve P

It’s a gift. A talent. Not everyone has it, but many, oh so many, try.

“...drinking a Tom Collins. Truly an inspiration...”

except in germany, where aütø was given an umlaut. this was not done to change the pronunciation, but merely to annoy the germans by misusing the umlaut. even in prehistory musk was a bit of a troll

Why not both?

Two dads and two moms means double the presents at birthdays and Christmas!

I think the kid is saying that it’s Ms. Front Seat Passenger’s second auto-orgasm in the last 20 km.

Still, Fru Snørdglen keeps herself in the braced-for-collision position at all times.

The peace sign from the backseat kept them all safe

This is pretty random, even for you, Torch! What’s in your coffee this morning?

No doors. It’s a Jeep.... or Swedish thing...

At least his “girlfriend” won’t bother him, since he roofied her at the bar.

He was the initial beta tester of Tesla’s Autopilot... though back then it was called Autø Piløt.

Of course. The “their kid” stays ambiguous. Heck, after that crazy weekend, they’re not even sure who the mother is. But they’re all cool with it

Yeah, that’s why they updated the rules in ‘79 to specify that the driving must take place on a public road located in this plane of reality

it’s the Scandinavian automotive version of Wonder Woman’s invisible plane

Definitely. But they’re not 100% which is father, since the kid was born about 9 months after that ice-fishing trip resulted in some seriously sexy cabin fever.

It’s pretty hard to hit other cars when you’re driving though a featureless void.

I assume that’s Mr. Snordglen driving with his girlfriend in the passenger seat, his wife behind with her boyfriend and their kid?

It’s because of the weird Ø in his name. It just naturally makes you a superior driver.

I know some of you may think you’re casual, carefree drivers, but none of you can hold a candle to Jans Snørdglen, the World’s Most Casual Driver from 1966 to 1978. Experts are still unsure just how he did it, but no one was ever able to record him actually paying attention to the road, and yet he never had a wreck.