Steve P

My grandpa used it for everything too, even sprayed fishing lures with it... He’d joke that all you needed to fix anything was duct tape, JB Weld, and WD-40... If it moves and it’s not supposed to - duct tape or JB Weld, if it doesn’t move and it’s supposed to move, WD-40. 

Or keep a can of Kroil on hand if you really want to do any of those things effectively. 

I mean, I was kinda shocked to learn that it was made to coat the outside of rockets to keep them from rusting. I used it to do the same thing with my bridgeport mill and was pretty unimpressed. Literally any kind of oil worked better than WD-40 at keeping the bare metal rust-free.

He doesn’t need a crate of WD-40 sent to his house. He already has some.

What’s that now?  Is there some comment deleting fuckery afoot?

If D.Tracy use WD-40 on his project car, there will be no car left.

Gotta keep that sweet ad revenue separate. Their week old Inventory hire is off to a great start, too, what with the deleting of humorous post replies.

Wired used Mass Spectrometry back in 2009 to decode (mostly) the WD-40 recipe. Enjoy.

In my defense 1 was in the garage and at -30F loses propellant even if you bring it inside. That can is done. 2nd can was a function of my 17 year old who used it for God knows what. At least I trained the next generation!

Throw in a hammer and a pair of vicegrips and you can fix 99 percent....

I just bought a 2-pack the other day because one of my cans ran out. I probably still had half a dozen cans around the house, although a couple of those are their newer variations.

Slightly related - when I was a kid, my grandparents owned a hardware store and small engine repair service back in Detroit... you know, back before there was a Home Depot on every other corner. Anyhow, my grandpa swore that there was nothing that couldn’t be fixed with some WD-40. He used that shit for pretty much

I mean, how do you not have 3-4 half-empty cans lying around?

True story. One weekend I am checking out of the local hardware store with 2 cans of WD-40. Clerk asks why 2 cans? I said because I was completely out at home. She replied that was a pity because I now needed to surrender my Man Card.

Otter Jizz aside, I learned long ago that zip ties, duct tape, WD-40, an adjustable wrench and a regular and phillips screwdriver will fix 90% of things the average homeowner will face in their lifetime.

a missile waiting for use is susceptible to corrosion

WD-40? Never heard of it.

Why isn’t this sponsored content?  Do you not like money?

I have never been more convinced that I need to go out and buy some cans of WD-40 than I am right now, after having read this story.