Steve P

Yes. Please also advise those installing these headlamps in their lifted Wranglers to punch themselves in the face.

100% correct. With halogen brighter=hotter and hotter=shorter life.

Your expensive bulbs burned out more quickly because they’re hotter/brighter.

Yeah, that’s a major issue! The first time I experimented with LED headlights I didn’t realize this, now I understand how critical it is.

I just hope when you write your article on LED headlights, you explicitly call out adjusting your headlight beam height!

This is a very well written article full of good advice. I would like to add a few things though. For example, when ordering LED bulbs keep in mind if there's a colored lens. If there's any type of tint on the lens, go with a white bulb. Also, if the bulb is hidden say under a dash, in a glove box or center console,

I’ve updated the interior bulbs in my VW with DeAutokey LEDs. Since I have a Can Bus car, I wanted to make sure I got lamps guaranteed to not flicker or throw up a bulb-out error so I agree with your assertion 100%. I got my LED low beams from DeAutokey too, and those make a big difference in the quality of the

HAHAHA you sir have won the internet!!!!!  COTD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the U.S., sure, but you really have to look at things globally with HD because its international performance is what really delivers the big revenue numbers.

Motorcycle sales are declining, but I believe powersport sales are increasing. The Side-by-side/UTV market in particular has exploded. Yamaha, Honda, Kawasaki, Polaris etc. all make those types of vehicles with great success. To me, the biggest mistake Harley has made is not understanding their buyers. As they’ve

Do you think all the people who had scarface posters on their walls in the 00s saw how that movie ended?

Yes, this. The markets are doing great, but in this timeline it just means a decreasing, more concentrated few investors are growing richer.

Just a reminder that in 20 years, I’ll be in my late 50s. Paying the minimum ~$400/mo, my student loans will be paid off when I’m 63. I hope I can still ride at all lol

I made this meme the other day. I’ll just leave it here.

I’m not buying a bike until I can do this.



Well, it's a good thing they kept their sport brand around-   Oh, wait, they killed that off out of spite just as it could have saved the company.  Who needs to attract younger buyers?  I'm sure that in 20years, the millennials will be thrilled to ride the exact same bikes their grandparents did.

Probably about time to sponsor Easy Rider II since they have been using that as their primary marketing tool since it came out in 1969.  They got 50 years of bike sales from a single movie.