
SO . . . we have to fight?

I’m confused. Why would the jury name an amount BEFORE they hear Jones’ net worth?

I believe it was John Oliver who got the word out on Drumpf’s august family name.

John Oliver actually

The screams need to be heard. This way it would make people give a damn more when their white-washing bubble bursts, and thus, more likely to see desired action.

However, since these inept cretins got the state governor in their pocket, nothing is going to change and they’re confident they’re getting away with this.

34-month fetus? Get to a hospital lady! Something is terribly wrong.

Thank you! The “casted” thing was driving me nuts.

Couple of things, 1: ‘cast’ is past, present and future tense of itself without modification, so “she was cast in this role” or “she will get cast in this role,” no -ed necessary

I’m hoping she just did irreparable damage the orange buffoon. Not only for 2024, but in the immediate future. There’s nothing I dream about more than a televised orange perp walk.

I’m looking forward to the court overturning mixed race marriages. Yes, Clarence, I’m looking at you to come out and invite court cases in this area.

you’re wrong you’re simply so wrong

you’re wrong you’re simply so wrong

If there’s an Emmy win for this season, it needs to go to Sadie Sink.

Best episode of the season, possibly the series as well.

I know this isn’t the reason Cawthown had it on his “bucket list”, but I would totally sit in the same deck chair that Colonel Dick Winters sat in with the boys from Easy Company after they fucking captured it.

Waiting for this to come to switch or when ever my Steam Deck gets shipped. Since the switch came into my life I can only play indie games like this in handheld mode. lol

I maintain that the least believable thing about Star Trek: The Next Generation is the idea that Georgi (LeVar Burton) was awkward and bad with women. The audacity. This man is all charm and goodness.

You forgot, *again*, that he’s a nazi. You seriously need to stop forgetting that this man is a *literal* *fucking* *nazi*

Yeah it’s a crapshoot.  Kinda seems like a transparent test case for trying the same maneuver on Trump in ‘24.

Outside of Ted Lasso, best AppleTV+ show so far. And honestly, maybe better than the last season of Ted Lasso. The cast is just fantastic, and the show is so weird but also awfully familiar for any office worker.