I guess those hips do actually lie.
I guess those hips do actually lie.
Honor = Traci Flick (Election)?
I think it was Colbert. I don’t say his name, just like Colbert doesn’t anymore either. I also have another Chrome extension that turns every instance of T**** to Drumpf.
There’s a Chrome extension that replaces photos of Drumpf with kittens (I’ve had it enabled for ages now), so I’m sure it’s possible.
On behalf of all parents who have heard this sound more times than I can count, to the Roblox company, I say, thank you!
Need to include musings about hints in the opening. This time, I noticed that the setting sun looks like a sparkly ball, like a Christmas ornament or maybe an allusion to the glitter bomb. I have no idea what it means, but it’s definitely a change in the opening animation from last week.
CO? Then you have Boebert to deal with!
That’s my governor!
I wish I could vote for this guy because I would!
Did anyone catch the old lady at the end of the animated credits walking what looks like Mrs. Gambolini instead of her dog? In season 1, they said there were clues in the credits, but this is the first time I noticed something strange this season.
Since “bet” wasn’t explained on the show or in this article, this oldster (me) had to Google it.
Truly Handmaid’s Tale stuff.
I didn’t attend in person, but I was really impressed seeing everybody at SGDQ on the feeds wearing masks and the seat spacing in the audience. That’s how it should be done.
I saw this lady on CNN. She seems a bit wishy-washy about her stand on Roe, but all I could think about was a) anybody in the HOV lane can now simply claim they are pregnant and b) the image of cops giving pregnancy tests to people pulled over from the HOV lane.
Hopefully he also spilled his BEER!
Kotaku used to post about it at the beginning of the week. Covering just the final weekend is weird.
The perp walk would be must-see TV.
Thanks. Just a genre I have zero interest in so it’s interesting to hear how popular it really is.
Just how popular is Monster Hunter, especially in the west? It seems like there’s a new game every year but the only people I hear who are into it are on the IGN Nintendo podcast (NVC).
OMG it’s too much. I remember about an hour of play where I maybe pushed the Y (attack) button maybe 5 times. The rest of the hour was scrolling through text, and I read and scroll through text in games at max speed. I rarely quit a game in the middle but this was one where I just couldn’t stand it.