
Skip Eastward unless you love endless (and I mean endless) text cut scenes.

I miss Kotaku’s “You Promised” posts. ;-(

Has there really been no reaction from Jodie Foster herself about this?

Ugh, I really liked this show (and especially Cristin Milioti; HIMYM did her way wrong). I even got a survey from HBO Max about it and I sang its praises! I guess my positive feedback wasn’t enough.

Not sure who’s editing this.

Absolutely agree.  I binged the whole season this weekend, but when that episode ended, I could not believe what a great episode I had just watched.  

I rarely play games more than once other than to get 100%. When Until Dawn was on Playstation Plus (I hadn’t heard of it before), I played it as many times to get all the possible endings. What a fantastic game.  Can’t wait for this.

For a game like this, how are they going to remove or neg all of Kal’s skills that he picked up in the first game so he’s basically not a god by the end of this game? Same issue happens in Metroid all the time and never explained (except for that one time on the Wii we don’t talk about).

Hamilton Polka!

“Since releasing his final full-length album”

Any chance Kotaku can do its “You promised” series even without an E3?  Love seeing promises from the big companies that were kept or not.

While you hopefully won’t have to talk about Cawthorn for much longer, a list of his travesties should always include his “bucket list” item of visiting Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest.  Not enough sites/blogs still mention this.

How could “If These Walls Could Talk” not be included?

How is Molly still alive?  Wasn’t she totally radiated on the moon?

Maybe it will just be a half hour of the characters dancing to “My Sharona” at a gas station?

Any idea if there will be Riddler trophies and environmental puzzles like in the previous games?  Those were some of my favorite aspects of the previous games.

The toilet ad wasn’t great, but what was more incredible is that I can’t remember the last time SNL actually had a fake ad that was a normal ad length like this. Some longer taped pieces are great (I couldn’t stop laughing at Chloe’s), but I miss at least one fake ad per episode. And remember back in the day (probably

I was going to make a joke about how it sounds like you work for the former president, but I digress. ;-)

Yes, it’s in my HBO Max list.  I just haven’t watched it yet.

It’s really good.  But now I want to watch the UK version!  I didn’t even recognize this actor out of costume.  He’s great on the show.