Steven Hott

Whats the use of me taking a step towards the middle if you're just gonna take two steps back toward the other side?

*Also a sponsored Link*

Please spare us the accusations of overreaction. If this was 5 or 10 years ago we'd have been outraged at the thought of playing for Multiplayer ($50 a year through X-box Live) or adding fees to used game sales at all. The game companies only need to have someone desperate enough to do it, and it will go from

Do they make these for normal TVs? Cause that would be sweet.

I love Nintendo. I just hate that my Nintendo shelf is so weak and neglected. Nintendo first party titles maintain high value all the way back to the SNES. RPGs for Nintendo systems command extra premiums that other console RPGs just don't have.

I don't really care for renting discs from anyone so the streaming only plan makes a lot of sense for me.

It looks like someone took the Total War series and applied it to the 7 Kingdoms.

Castle Black is one of three fortresses along the wall. It is not the wall itself.

They're basically begging to be hacked again.

I'll just wait for the GOTY edition, or the "Ultimate Edition" that comes with all the stripped out characters put in.

You know what I saw at best buy last Sunday? Not a damn thing. Because none of my stores have these two games. And none of them are available to ship to my house.

The Warhammer 40k cosplayers? All the costumes in that universe are Master level craftsmanship.

The first game was generally the best, story wise. The second one was definitely more of a "We're getting the band back together, and we're on a mission from god" vibe.

Yes, there were around 1800 according to a different article blurb. It says that he found out that he was way off when he thought he was half way done.

I believe that the actual policy is that they will do everything in their power to unlock all the steam side authentication, but they are under no legal or contractual obligation to do so.

Gamestop's never been one to reduce prices based on other people screwing you. Resistance 3 will sell for $50 used, just like all the other games. Hell, they still sell LBP and Infamous at $24.99, and $26.99 even though you can get the games Free if you had a PSN account for a few months.

Sub Boss = Cliffy B.

I don't 'mind the jaggies on the original games, and I got mine to play on my PS3.

Its an interesting conundrum. Do we have revolutionary British Outfits? World War II Geman soldier outfits?

*See awesome Master Chief toy*