It was great but there were a few parts I feel could have been done better:
It was great but there were a few parts I feel could have been done better:
Most of Tik Tok believes it to be Michael Fassbender who already has a spotty past when it comes to abuse against women.
Honestly people realized after Ant-man 3, that there’s no compelling reason to go see Marvel movies in their first run. They’ll be on streaming, they’re not moving the phase forward, and usually they’re not killing off anyone important.
I was wondering what was wrong with it. Everything that was bad about the new Fantastic Beasts movies was wrong with this movie, only dialed up to 11.
Free Guy already came out and did Fortnite / GTA movies better.
This is giving off huge Lego Movie vibes.
“Our players would hold us accountable” Even if this were remotely true (Massive sales for COD/OW2/Diablo/WOW), what would players hold him accountable with? Wallets? Microsoft could lose money on every game sold for the next century and still be making money overall.
Not especially but other series have touched on it:
Anyone notice how expertly and easily Bo-Katan wielded the weapon against the baddies? Not quite a jedi, but definitely someone who knows their way around a sword.
It might have more context when the movie plays along with it. I wouldn’t take a 2 minute trailer as the final word, especially these days.
I loved TG: Maverick and Avatar: WoW, but I feel like their Best Picture Noms were definitely pushed by the studios. Which is fine, but means they have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning.
Blade Came out in 1998 and helped pave the way for :
Not upset to see it in theaters. Saw Black Widow in theaters, and was happy with it. But then again I only paid $5 for the ticket, like I’ll do with Shang chi.
So hey, people who don’t use bluetooth ear phones, currently available for $8 - 100 right now.. do you know that there are bluetooth ear phones and headsets out there that are really cheap?
Oeuvre means collective works for the non-french among us.
The TVA was the good guys, doing bad things to protect from even worse. Everything Ms Minutes said about the multiversal war was true, and now that the TVA has failed to prune the timeline, Kang will attempt to take it over.
The prevailing theory is that the What if? series is actually canon. Just different realities.
How you gonna shoot bullets on a plane without decompression?
Curious, how tall are you, if you don’t mind me asking? Sometimes we tend to attribute certain things to people if we aren’t similar to them.
Ah nevermind she died in the first movie, thought she made it.