Steven Hott

Presales, sponsorships, and investors. Even a small town anime convention needs a lot of money for venue, advertising, merchandise, and to have a healthy amount of guests, vendors, food options, and possibly a ball or dance. A lot of people go broke, and the initial directors have to dedicate a large amount of time

Such a great game with such a lack of polish. If I had to compare it to anything, I’d say a cross between WOW and Fable but offline.

Still waiting for the spiderman game itself to go on sale. Tons of people bought that game, its gonna be real cheap in the coming weeks.

Still waiting for the spiderman game itself to go on sale. Tons of people bought that game, its gonna be real cheap

Sounds like telsa was playing checkers, and the other teams were playing chess.  Its a little petty, but like you said, its the nature of the game itself, not the players.

That is the worst rebuttal in the history of gaming.  You don’t even say why you think he’s wrong, just that he is, and should play something else.

I’m pretty sure the heroes cost $40-60 dollars.

More Crowd Control Abilities.. it really sucks to be Rhineheart or Roadhog these days.

If you drive a Truck or SUV (most popular vehicle type in the US) and aim your ultra-bright LEDs correctly, they’re still going to be pointed at the average car driver’s face.

We should move to a model of $10 per character. 10 characters? $100.

I had this idea 3 years ago...

I had this idea 3 years ago...

The problem is lots of great talent out there but not a lot of companies to showcase it.

Persona, Tales of Graces, Lunar Silver Star Story, Suikoden II, etc.. all the games that cost $100+ by themselves.

True, but I bet the loan was for at least $50k.

Did anyone go to dragon*con two weeks ago?

I have squeezed lemons on and dunked tenders into a delightfully soy based asian sauce and I will tell you it was life changing.

I’ll say it before and I’ll say it again, when the game is designed to encourage toxic behavior and rage, then no amount of good boy points will make players nice for very long.

They’re designed to cater to Younger audiences who don’t care.

Its hard to tell if you love to hate it or hate to love it.

Even if you have everything you’ll just get duplicates. Reminds me of that time I spent $100 on boxes and still didn’t get the skin I wanted. (It was Hanzo business suit)

You’re gonna need a crew cab at least for day labor. How else are you going to pick up 4 guys who will work for $10 an hour and dont speak english, to your job site?