Steven Hott

There's lots of games Nintendo and Japanese developers would be stupid to not localize for the west.

I don't hate other gamers. You can't hate someone because they like something different than you. What we really should be hating is the fact that Developers and publishers feel the need to ruin our favorite franchises to make them appeal to a bigger audience.

A lot of kids, especially under the age of 12, do not have a grasp or inclination to be selfless. They just don't have the skills or development to empathize. Of course there are exceptions, but it would be up to the parents to make that choice.

Price, and lack of games? Ah, apparently it was the NETWORK.. thats always my next guess. Hell, if the Wii didn't come with Sports, and have Zelda, I'm sure it would have been in the same boat.

Just ask Valve about content updates on the 360.

Why release a compilation pack for $30 when you can release remakes for 40, and eshop games for $15, $10, and $20, respectively.

I wonder if The Witcher guys followed different rules to get their game on GOG and Steam at the same time. I didn't see any issue there.

I wouldn't really mind except they're selling you a $30 game for $60 without any manuals, boxes, or physical media.

Ah yes, because the KOTOR fan and RPG player in me truly wants to sit on the sidelines and hear stories about how other guilds have experienced "High End" storyline content that I didn't grind enough for or that my guild wasn't Militant enough to get to. "Oh, you guys fought [insert big name here]? Thats awesome. Too

It does, in a certain context. Personally, I don't think anyone at Bioware was wondering how they could shoe-horn voice commands into Mass Effect 3. Its like chocolate and liver. Someone had to "suggest" to them that it would be a good idea.

Ah, my mistake. I meant to call it a "DS-Ware title", which would still make "Coming to the 3DS" an accurate statement, as you can buy DS-ware titles on the 3DS.

Microsoft is known for throwing large amounts of money at Developers to give the Xbox version exclusive options.

There are phones now with regular styled controllers built in. I'm sure you've heard of them. Xperia Play?

$60 for a Wiiware title? I know its pokemon, but that seems excessive.

With Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, and Apple, American's are accustomed to Launch disappointment.

Yaya Han. She cleans up quite nicely.

Ah cool, a game with a bunch of social features that I won't be able to use. Wonderful.

As a collector: All of them. As far as looks though, Yakuza white has a special place in my heart.

Tape 3 pieces of black construction paper together in a loop. Start Faxing.

Not everyone is you. Not everyone likes what you like. Not everyone has played the Witcher 1, Not everyone has a printed manual out in front of them.