
thank you!

Surely “due to faith-based fear of cooties”? They lost to girls by forfeiting, it was playing against them at all that would have made their team unclean in the eyes of the Lord or some such 5th Century BC mumbo jumbo.

I do not know whose baby that is in the picture, but it looks a) happy and b) nice and safe, so good work, whoever’s baby that is. You’re doing a good job.

He should have a welded cage on that thing, I reckon. I hope he has fun and doesn’t get heinously injured.

I thought it was quite obviously a joke, but oh well.

This is the best take. Thank you.

I endorse this post.

that shirt... that shirt sounds pretty OK to me?

mr 3000

it is a terrible movie that we should love approximately zero, and yet I cannot find it in myself to hate it.

If he didn’t shout “San Dimas High School Football Rules” and drop the mic, I respectfully disagree with your headline

“Why spend hundreds of dollars on a dog when you can borrow this small dog instead?”

Dear England,

“Tiny shit person”, please. Accuracy in journalism is important.

The rules of football are designed to be ambiguous so that we can all argue about what happened during the match in the pub afterwards, at work the next day, and for weeks, months and even years afterwards for important enough decisions. That was never a penalty!

Sturridge, Kane, Vardy. Three in-form striking options. Watch Roy Hodgson inexplicably start the ghost of Wayne Rooney instead.

Croque madame all the way. Everything’s better with an egg on it.

I loved ‘lapse of judgement factory’.

It’s inevitable. I might as well save time and be annoyed and disappointed by it now.

I missed this announcement.