
He’s from Colombia, is high profile, and makes a great deal of money. You can see him having had advice in the past not to stop for cars with flashing lights even if the occupants are convincingly dressed as cops, and maybe not realising that, given he’s in Spain, these “cops” are almost certainly actual police.

The argument is that while a larger rear diffuser will further disrupt the air for the following car, the following car’s larger rear diffuser will make it less affected by the disrupted air compared to a car which relies more heavily on a complex forward wing. Therefore, according to ParkerArt’s theory which I am not



I said I didn’t know what was going on there and that I didn’t like it. At no point did I say I was going to get picky about it.

I do not know what is going on around this lady’s stomachular-pelvic region but I say to you that I do not like it. Does she have one and a half pelvises? (Pelvii?) Wait, is someone’s actual face inside there, pressing against the skin, trying to get out? I cannot unsee it!

(but seriously what the actual fuck?)

Now playing

Clearly they haven’t seen Football Town Nights

Is Simon’s hair supposed to look like Garfunkel’s great big Zapata moustache in that album cover? I’ve only just noticed that, and now I cannot unsee it.

Why would you take it off to wash your hands? Gold and diamonds are waterproof.

Indeed, it’s a buy now, play later kind of a deal. They get the player, he keeps playing for (and hopefully developing at) Red Star Belgrade until the end of the season, and then he moves.

I am shamelesslty stealing this from someone else’s comment, but the Lada Niva emergency repair kit is a rock and a bottle of vodke. Also, they threw out the rock in favour of a second bottle of vodka, because you can more than likely find a rock.

American sports are broken, and reward losing. You people should institute leagues with promotion and relegation like pretty much every other country in the world.

Is that the new Quattroporte up there? If so they’ve made it uglier, and now I am sad.

Nice try, but I’m a neutral. I’m from Scotland, so I don’t have a monkey in that space race.

Actually, this “this will be their year” might actually be Spurs’s year. Their inevitable choke is looking a lot less inevitable - although Pochettino’s brand of football is going to put a lot of strain on their wee whirring legs between now and season end, so we’ll see.

It’s not a mullet over there, Pibbs. I’m not sure what it is in Hungary; closest I can get geographically would be Germany where the haircut rejoices in the name “Vorkuhila” (vorne kurz, hinten lang ie short in the front long in the back). I don’t want to insult mr Máté Petrány by suggesting that Hungarians just call

Did they make this a 25 hour race so it would be longer than the 24 hour ones and you could call it “one of the longest in the world”?

Leonard knew those words and chose not to use them. You have to beef up your vocabulary before you can make the choice to pare down your prose.

Do you have some sort of blog or fanzine to which we could subscribe in order to be exposed to further excellent takes like this?