
I think the best Leicester can realistically hope for is one of those “buy now, play later” deals in the winter window, where they either sell him now and immediately get him loaned back til summer, or do the deal now but the actual exchange of player and money takes place in July.

Ranieri gets a little unfair derision as “the tinkerman” after obsessively chopping and changing his Chelsea squad the last time he was in English football (was it really 2004? Man I’m old) and getting the boot from cuddly new owner Roman Abramovich despite the fact he seemed to be doing a good job. His most recent

Canadia, eh? A country where “loggersports” is a thing, and a Canadian football team can have a partnership with a lumberjack team.

Spirit of charity and repeatedly turning the other cheek. That’s how christians are supposed to play basketball.

“I’m going for a shit”

You have to love Chris Kamara.

I was glued to this, wondering “what is he going to say next?”

You’d have to say if it was spite, it was incredibly incompetent spite.

Not sure you’re entirely correct about some of those authors. Eric Flint is waaay left, the man was a union organiser and a Socialist Worker. As a vietnam vet, David Drake’s opinion of the military may be considerably more nuanced than you’re painting it.

You should have selected “do you want to know more?” when you were watching the movie.

Well said. From other reading I believe Heinlein’s views shifted during his lifetime, but he was never Ayn Rand, writing dross to justify a political belief system.

Australian water goes in the same direction as water anywhere else. However, because it is Australian, it is trying to kill you.

Google “Jamie Vardy racism” and you’ll find stories. Appears to only be one incident, and hopefully he learned from it (and the diversity training he was ordered to undergo).

Who the fuck wants Illuminati kale? That’s the second worst kind of kale, everyone knows that. Good thing that guy booked it out of there when he did.

Maybe she is genuinely scared of bowls? It doesn’t seem like the kind of “allergy to gluten/red/crunchy” nonsense that idiots come up with to make people with real allergies’ lives more difficult; I can’t imagine her reading about “fear of deep things” on the internet and deciding she has it. She maybe has an actual

Bit of a racist, sadly. Takes a little of the joy out of his success story.

Strictly speaking that’s a hilarious 70% Jafaican 30% Spanish accent, but it’s awesome either way.

That is a really good idea! I don’t know how well they’ve implemented it, but dang, good on them for having the idea and doing it.