I was thinking the same. It seems like MH has had horrendous fortune but not really even while doing anything risky
I was thinking the same. It seems like MH has had horrendous fortune but not really even while doing anything risky
Also, this shows how a thoughtful, well funded, comprehensive investigation can do amazing things in terms of forensics.
I trust the Dutch. The Russians, not so much
Japanese classics (right here in RVA) just recently sold this car. I was thinkin about buying it :D
I was gonna, and then you did! Quack!
Yes, somebody got it!!!! And while your getting those Powder Milk biscuits, would you mind picking up some ketchup?
Jalop-noir is on the case!
This is great. I like the goofy hipster/2015/whatever-you-call-it vintage font logo thing too with the little car and the est 2015 thing hahhaha.
came for ^, left without having to read more than one comment
Yay someone rhymed with me!
“And does anyone ever change smartphone wallpaper for non-whimisical reasons? Do people my age only change it after months of careful thought and the proper focus-group and computer modeling data?”
I think I am too, and it’s easy to see how!
great car
Lemme smash “Like” real quick, and not only because my computer’s mouse is messed up.
and that Stef is still awesome
Ok can I just say one more time how awesome of a build that team with the 787b/914 combo did? So nice, i hope to race w/y’all in the future!
Haha, well, yeah I should clarify: the LATE C3s were super super down on power. The EARLY ones were really fast. My dad had a ‘68, before the pollution regs slowed them down for a bit in the mid 70s-early 80s.