
I know Kenny - he’s done a great job with the Richmond C&C since it was started back in ‘09. He’s allowed it to grow to a huge event while keeping it true to its values. 

THANK YOU so much for this - misuse of apostrophes drives me nuts.

My dad is 6’4” and can fit in his surprisingly well, although it takes some technique to get in with the roof on

I have two of those on my car!

haha yep!

I’m applauding you, not with Juan hand, but with both

You and Stef are two of my favorite car journalists!!

Oh that's good.


I had no idea that Nash rollover was you, or that it was so serious. I’m sorry to hear about your injuries and I hope everything gets better as soon as possible!

My dad had a ‘94 Viper RT/10 when I was a kid. I have so many wonderful memories of, and in, that car. He bought it in ‘96 for about $49k, sold it in ‘04 for about $41k, so this is a huge deal for one of these. I’m very glad that these are still so cheap. They’re one of the most wonderful, insane, crazy cars ever

Thank you for including #4! I led the design group for our (VCU) team’s aero design senior design team last year. We’ve had a team since 2000 but due to lack of funds, lack of organization, and the school not being as helpful as they could be from time to time, we are finally finalizing our design now and hope to

I actually agree with this idea

so the driver can get in

Lets hope they don’t any more, because our design is very clunky haha

914! Like a new one. So, basically a cheaper 4 cyl (air cooled!?!?!?) version of the car above.

Comenttinnen of the dayhuninn. This language is going to be hard to learn. #totallyfinnished

I have one I’m looking to sell! A little bit of a project though. It’s a Scirocco

You’re awesome, this is awesome