Why does the sponsor of that car appear to be “Market Scam”?
Why does the sponsor of that car appear to be “Market Scam”?
We miss you, Stef! And all of your garage’y projects. :)
“Pontiac Rageous”.
{ peeks into comments }
Anything from Harbor Freight. That is going to lead to:
I’m super stoked for Stef! She’s one of the reasons why I started reading Jalopnik in the first place, so I’m really happy to see her Doing The Thing again.
Ayyy, welcome back! Seeing you and Stef Schrader back in employment swells my heart, an organ I had thought long dormant beyond its base function. That Rich Energy saga, pretty wild right? That’s gonna be a fun read.
“As someone who lives near this club - it is skeezy, the owner is skeezy, and before this they were having the strippers deliver food”
Exactly. It’s funny to me to see the Lucky Devil in the national news. The whole place is a hive of scum and villainy... and probably meth.
As someone who lives near this club - it is skeezy, the owner is skeezy, and before this they were having the strippers deliver food (and given the people who would want strip club food delivered, one has to imagine they also wanted to violate social distancing). This is not the hero for our times.
I'm firmly in the this is utterly stupid camp.
As pathetic as going to a strip club is 99% of the time, I can’t imagine the hard-up losers going to a drive-thru strip club during a pandemic. And what’s the over/under on how many guys whip it out inside their car?
Let’s hair it for Jason! We love you, Jason, and everything about you!
I’m honestly kind of glad you all don’t include Elizabeth in these things. The hate I’ve seen in the comments sections of her pieces is literally sickening, like on a whole other level. Which is disgusting not only given the quality of her writing but the fact that she’s often covering the stuff no one else on staff…
That CLK GTR is so god damn beautiful. For me, these are peak prototype design.
As a woman who is barely on Jalopnik I went into the comments with trepidation. There’s def some shitty takes on here but your comment was well thought out and measured.
Thank you, Jalopnik, for posting this. A lot of people on your twitter reacted angrily- “He’s dead so what does it matter” and “wow this has nothing to do with cars”. But its important, because he WAS such a big part of the auto community and because F&F is part of modern automotive culture. It’s creepy and predatory- …
You shouldnt have relationships with 16 year olds, but on the scale of things I care about a long term relationship started with a 16 year old is really freaken low on the list.