You know, there are more metrics by which to measure speed than just 0 to 60 times. :)
You know, there are more metrics by which to measure speed than just 0 to 60 times. :)
Yes, pun storm a-brewin’! nice COTD
Fantastic!!! Oreca was/is a French team (now they have their own development/manufacturing program), but the car’s American as were some drivers, and the Dodge factory helped out, so close enough?
I remember this!
Wow, nice job Lincoln!
all great cars!
My grandmother was a secretary for GM in the late 40s and actually overheard some of the meetings between GM execs, Ford execs , and Chrysler execs about how they would systematically cut parts supplies to Tucker, slander Preston Tucker, etc. What a shame, Preston Tucker was awesome.
As a Prius owner (through no fault of my own: my VW Scirocco broke and so my dad gave me his old Prius to drive for a bit - wait, that’s also ironic), I can say that yes, I did in fact have the “Lol, diesels aren’t really as clean as everyone thinks they are” thought pop into my head within a few seconds of hearing…
COTD but that’s just my opinion
I had a toy of this when I was a kid, so cool
yes, you have the best one
Oh! I was sitting across the track from that and couldn’t figure out what had happened to that car haha
the puns!
What the hell is wrong with you people? The puffs are part of what makes Stef Stef! I’m tired people trying to tell other people who to be, let people be who they are! Without goofy people like Stef, auto journalism would be nothing but be a bunch of the same self important snobs driving the same boring cars. I…
I think every single person reading this article has thought of doing this before (although not like we’re actually gonna do that, right?)
cost of tolls, or cost of trolls?