I’m guessing he’s also more animated.
I’m guessing he’s also more animated.
I’ve seen a lot of movies in my time and this definitely looks like it might be one.
Apologies if I’m just dense, but I read your description several times and don’t get the intent at all.
No they weren't
If this door were real and in a public place, it would quickly become the leading cause of death in that area. People would watch other people touch the door and die, and still be like, “Yeah, but I mean, it doesn’t really kill you, right? I’m gonna just touch it a little.”
Unrelated comment that should have been a new thread but isn’t.
I’m not a part of your system!
This is the first stage of grief: foaming at the mouth insanity.
Speaking of Wesley Snipes phoning it in...
He seems OP, but there are hard counter-picks. Dandelo’s the real meta
ok boomer.
It may have achieved its stated goal, but at great cost to the people of India. It’s much like how Mao’s policies did, in fact, reduce the amount of grain eaten by birds.
“Stick is candy!”
“Stick to candy!”
Sticking it to powerful people who are fucking up a good thing with disingenuous pleas to “avoid controversy” and “stick to sports” is a good thing.
Stick to commenting!
Boooo autoplay ads and bad media owners!