The Powershift in Steve's '12 Ford Focus killed it's TCM (under warranty!)

Salvage yards after Karen totaled them on her 16th birthday drunk breakup over text.

A lot of them got exported to Russia, the caucus states and developed-ish countries in Africa. The ride height and Toyota drivetrain bits make them appealing to consumers who want a bit of luxury but have to deal with trash roads and trash fuel.

Just went to “build” a new VW on their site and, turns out, the beige interior is only allowed with certain exterior colors. Blurgh! Well, I really don't want a gasoline vehicle anyway... 

I have 2 young kids and a medium-large dog that I take on 5+ hours drives. I got the Alltrack with 3 pedals

I didn’t. I left with an Alltrack. I couldn’t afford a GTI and buying the Alltrack let my wife dump her CRV. Mind changed.

The regular Golf Sportwagen (non-Alltrack) is still available with the 1.8T if you choose the S trim with AWD. Car & Driver timed this car doing 0-60 in 7.0 seconds, which is plenty for me.

I must have only owned shit cars (even the other 3 VWs), but my Alltrack is the fastest and quickest car I’ve ever owned. Once it’s out of warranty I’m going to get the cheapest chip tune I can to have some fun, but not too much since it’s my DD. 

I love the brown interior on these....(sigh)..

we need elderly retesting, but we also need retesting for everyone. Even if its only every 10 years. You should have to complete an online course before renewing your license at the very minimum. Maybe retrain on right of ways or how to merge and pass on the highway

Give the woman a medal. Few are brave enough to return a lumbering white whale to the ocean

There was another factor, which I would consider almost more important than the budget:

Unions are like any other organization, only as good as their actions indicate.

It really is dangerous logic. “Sure there’s evidence of this candidate saying horrible things, taking bribes, and voting for things that are against my personal well being, but he’s in the same political party as I am, so he must be good!”

Nah, just the standard black. It was hard enough finding one with a manual. I was lucky to find it in green, that was the color I was looking for.

The UAW kind of sucks, but it is still a union, and therefore inherently good.”

I did my part and bought an E class wagon.

You’d be amazed at what us engineers can accomplish when you take budget out of the equation.

Well, the Alltrak and Tiguan are about the same price. I can see people thinking they get more for their money in a CUV, and it is certainly easier to strap in a kiddo when the car sits a little higher.