The Powershift in Steve's '12 Ford Focus killed it's TCM (under warranty!)

Its just spin. She was black on the Root article. Jezebel hasn’t weighed in yet.

It makes a lot of sense to stay flexible until the actual demand for millions of EVs is there. The reality is that in most of the world EV mass adoption is still a long way off.

I’m to the point now, as a man in a professional work environment, where I don’t usually trust people in suits and ties. (exceptions apply for businesses with archaic dress codes where suits are still required)

Why is it important to point out that she is a Doctor, in the headline, and multiple times in the article?

(though mostly women; men almost never get called out for clothing unless it’s, say, a full-on SS uniform)

I disagree with you here - they are not saying they CAN’T make a pure EV, just that, as a smaller car company, they have to be as flexible as possible.

The investment required for such a change will keep it from happening overnight. Nobody wants to be “that guy” that spent billions tooling up for cars that did not sell and put the company out of business.

Thanks to decisions like those, for the first time in my life, i don’t care about BMW at all. I still love the classics, but anything recent is just boring to me. Even the M-cars don’t do much for me anymore. 

- Said no one ever

Maybe just building bland cars with massively unhealthy kidney grilles wasn't a good plan

This is not the stick shift you have in your mind. The gear spacing is awful and the throws are looong. Plus, these were slow with the 5.3L V8, I can’t imagine how painfully slow they are with the I5.

Tough call, but I voted CP because $6400 buys a lot of ED meds.

CP but not by much.  I think at 5k it would be more reasonable based on the mileage.  

All of the international designs have domestic partners. The ships will be built in the U.S.

These hulks are sunk where there are no reefs, in order to provide fixed objects on which coral polyps can anchor, thus beginning a reef.

Or even better, paint a red stripe on the LCS and make it some other service’s problem.

Opinions can’t be facts

On any car I would agree... except for my 2018 Camaro.  It doesn’t matter how you adjust the mirrors.  The rear portholes on either side of my car are useless as the beltline is so high I can only see trucks or SUVs during a shoulder check.  These blind spot warnings are absolutely needed in my case.  

I like blind spot monitoring (when it works, and not every brand seems equal on this - one rental kept telling us the walls of tunnels were in our blind spots), but I simply cannot fathom WHY all cars don’t have those little wide-angle mirrors in the corner. My focus had them too, and they were great! It must ad,