The Powershift in Steve's '12 Ford Focus killed it's TCM (under warranty!)

TPMS that doesn’t give pressure readouts, I check them but it is nice to know if a tire is suddenly low and knowing if need to stop immediately, go to next exit, or keep going, instead all I get is the fucking idiot light. I have 3 different screens(2 cluster plus infotainment) in my car and not one will tell me the


Neutral: Built-in navigation is useless. Just give me CarPlay.

Have you bought a new car lately? Is there one feature your new car has that is entirely useless to you?

Then you ask for data without basically outlining what you want your conclusion to be.

This isn’t how you conduct a study to come up with legitimate results. Others have mentioned confirmation bias of your statement, and it’s completely true. Here’s a free idea for you: “Our initial data says this, but we need to collect more data to see if that is really true or not”.

This is the most terrifying suggestion I've seen in this website. 

Janky mods are actually pretty period-correct for the tuner scene back then.

I think she cheated on him with the Mazda.

Having lived in Japan for 20 plus years....

...were you divorced for anger issues?

Yup. My Mazda6 daily gives me better looks and a bit of zoom zoom for a 4-cylinder Honda Accord price. I wouldn’t have bought it against a luxury brand.

This one is easy. Cars are lasting longer, and more expensive to buy, so people buy less often. Unless you absolutely have to have the newest safety features, a 10 year old car is going to have the same features as a brand new car.

I think you hit on the biggest thing. When that refinery was built, there wasn’t anything around it. As the city expanded, they grandfathered in the fact that there was an oil refinery that could go boom close to where people live. Now that there isn’t an oil refinery there any more, the regulations on how close you

Buy a used Tundra Crew Max + a topper for the dogs. 

Get a xl yukon or suburban

I’m not going to lie; I took the family camping this weekend and I thought about how great it would have been to have a truck. But in my fantasy, it was a Ridgeline, which seems to me a much better family-oriented truck. 

3rd gear.   Ah, Grandfathering.   That refinery was old.   A lot of the equipment had been grandfathered I’m sure.   Now that the grandfathered equipment has been launched into another time zone, the new equipment will have to be build to the latest codes and standards.   And that will be a LOT more expensive.  Add

Glory to Arstotzka.