The Powershift in Steve's '12 Ford Focus killed it's TCM (under warranty!)

this smug ass response is like the icing on the cake for me leaving. i was already out the door anyway, but i kept coming back for torch and tracy. but this attitude right here seems to be taking over the culture of the writers at jalopnik and i have to think it’s souring the taste of many who might still read this

First, grow up. Millions of people read this site, if you want to stop, go with god.

If your first reaction is “Grow up” then you are missing the point. Here is an opportunity for you to step in and reassure the folks who frequent this site that while you are losing two unique voices, you have many more that are committed to continue on the tradition of what made Jalopnik great: unique and irreverent

It’s not just David and Jason leaving man. It’s the broken comments system. It’s the constant listicles. It’s the lack of proof reading, the lazy reprints/links to other outlet’s articles, the ill advised hot takes like the “It’s okay people are robbing trains because they lost their jobs” article from a few weeks

Those Alco locomotives are LEGENDARY here in Portugal (EDIT: I was double checking and ours were the slightly older RSC-2; eh, close enough I guess). We had a fleet of 12, introduced in 1948 (the CP 1500 series) and not too long ago there were still 4 survivors. 1501 is preserved in the national railway museum, and

“Prime mover” is actually the correct railroad terminology for the engine that powers a diesel locomotive.

Not going to lie this article had a beater vehicle and an abandoned vehicle. I thought it was going to be written by David Tracy.

...unreliable vacuum valves that control critical components like the wipers and pop-up headlights. GM, what were you thinking?

Get out of here with your “facts” and “reasons” from a so-called “engineer”.

The main problem here is that all those nice, tactile buttons are probably going to disappear in favor of another goddamn touch screen.

Tadge (chief engineer) has explained why they had to put in a strip of buttons before. The sight line for the C8 is much lower as the engine moved out back, so in order to make the dash super low so you can see over the hood, they had to put in the strip of buttons on the side, as they couldn’t stack the buttons below

The problem is what are they going to do instead? Because if the answer is remove the buttons and put those controls on the touchscreen, that’s a MAJOR step backwards.

I haven’t had the chance to sit in a C8 yet, but from looking at the pictures, I like the button ridge and the cockpit feel to the cabin. I’m sure on

So when they take them away, where are they going?

In forty years, the first generation C8 with all the broke-ass buttons will be THE one to have! 😜

As long as you keep the “Latest” option available, so we can have a version of the site that isn’t a UX fever nightmare, I could care less about the layout.

His foreign and domestic policy is fairly moderate. He hasn’t cut entitlements. His trade policies are arguably to the left of Bernie. He’s way left of the senate GOP on domestic spending. His view of the unitary executive and immigration policies are obviously far to the right. But he is far, FAR to the left of

Funny, they said the same thing about Dubya.

I updated mine to

Look at that 2015 content

You know what? Even THAT doesn’t truly encapsulate the shittyness here. This is like if a Volvo employee had gone to an art gallery where this artist was trying to sell his prints, with a camera, and took pictures of those pictures, and then went back to Volvo and posted those pictures to the website, and then claimed