“This just in; More evidence emerges that guy who always seemed really shitty and was liked by all your shittiest acquaintances is really really likely to be a shitty person.”
“This just in; More evidence emerges that guy who always seemed really shitty and was liked by all your shittiest acquaintances is really really likely to be a shitty person.”
Every decision GWB made, he (wrongly) believed he was making the tough choices to make America safer in a time when Americans felt very unsafe.
Q told him to do it.
“There’s this website called “The Daily Stormer” that is saying it would love to sponsor you!”
To this asshole’s high-school tweets!
I am amazed that this is happening in a completely different field but same situation. I admit in my old age I still dont have much work experience as I was always in school and had just jobs to make it through not a career until recent years. Point is i thought it was just my small charter school doing questionable…
Darren Rovell’s actual favorite teams:
I, too, like to celebrate people’s faults on the day of their death via knee jerk reaction Tweets that no one gives a fuck about.
Pee IS stored in the balls!
“11-3 with a 0.28 ERA”
Weird..... Kurt Schilling always made them group three together during his starts. Everyone’s unique I guess.
True story: for years my dad was convinced they put up backwards-K signs for every third strikeout so there wouldn’t be three normal Ks in a row.
Nikola Jokic Explains His Body
Yeah, “Buffalo Beauts” is some creepy Lingerie League-sounding shit.
This sucks. I mean, I’m totally on board with the players, who absolutely should earn a living wage and have health insurance. It’s just really unfortunate that a professional women’s hockey league isn’t a sustainable financial thing. I can’t really blame Bettman here (and I can find a way to blame him for pretty much…
Wow, good joke! Can’t wait to stick around for your interview with Scott Bakula followed by music the Blue Man Group!
So you've never heard of Baylor before, huh?
I wonder how nervous he was that Omarosa would just show up and record a bunch of conversations but he wouldn’t be able to pick her out of the crowd.